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Cleaning for the skid visit

ddakan's picture


Ya because DH wants the house to look nice for the brats. The good thing is, it pisses BM (suck bucket) off that the kids still like us. Well they like DH, anyway. I'm beyond caring if they do or don't like me. Yea, well it saves kindess I could give to someone who would actually appreciate it!!

So off to vacuum and mop the kitchen. Oh fun!


ddakan's picture

ha ha ha!!!! they used to piss on the floor just to make me mad. when I refused to clean it up, DH said, "they are boys" they can pee where they want to. Now I don't clean their bathroom at all. My bios use my bathroom and DH gets sooooo mad. I say "well, they don't piss on the floor, so its okay if they use my toilet"


Last-Wife's picture

Why I isn't he doing the cleaning?! If he wants the house clean when they ARRIVE, he should do it. If you want to clean up evidence they were there, you should clean after they LEAVE.

I am a primary- custody SM. When the skids were little and would be gone for a whole weekend, I'd clean like a mad-woman on Friday night after they left, just to enjoy a spotless house for 48 hours. Now they are teenagers, and one of them always seems to be here, so it seems the house is never clean now. 4 more years and they will all be out. i can do this... I'll wait out those little mess-makers!

ddakan's picture

uh, because he doesn't lift a finger around this house. i'm about to hire a housekeeper to help me keep it clean. and he isn't going to bitch about it, because i'm not going to tell him about it.

6 months on my ticker and that little bastard will be 18!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe its finally getting close to the finish line!!!