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February 20th, 2007

dbsojo's picture

So much for less-worse. I had been looking forward to Mardi Gras, but now it just seems like any other day. Poor Mic spent all last night trying to talk to SS on the phone, from about 5:00 to after SS's bedtime. Of course, no one ever answered, no call ever returned. Funny thing was, he got a text message from her phone number this morning. He called back, trying to find out what was wrong with SS (as SS being allowed to call at all is usually an emergency, let alone when he should be in school). BM answered and said that SS was in school, that he didn't send the message. She surmised it was her 1-year old, who she apparently had been letting play with the phone. You have to ask yourself...who does this? As confusing as her behavior is sometimes, I really try to come to some sort of rational understanding as to why she does the things she does (I've given up on trying to follow her sense of right and wrong, I'm just trying to follow why she does them). So, it seems to me, that she either 1. Sent the text herself-but I can't come up with a motivation for that, besides just being psycho, 2. Left the 1 yr. old unsupervised long enough for him to figure how to sent a text message to the last person who called (which was probably Mic calling from lalst night), or 3. She let the 7 yr. old use the phone, but the 1 yr. old is allowed to play with it (keep in mind that the latter is what she stated to be true!). So then Mic asked her why SS had not called him back last night. Her excuse: He was at his friend's house. Never mind the fact that Mic's last call was 15 minutes after the time SS lays down to read before he goes to sleep. She evidently thinks that everyone else is so stupid that she can just come up with blatent lies and no one will figure it out. She went 4 days in a row without letting them talk last week. SS spent the weekend with us. And here we go again. Mic tried to call the caseworker several times already. I want her job- she's never, ever in her office. The only days it seems she doesn't take off are the days when she leaves early. No help there. I can't say I'm surprised. We tried calling the advocate. Left messages there, too. Between last night and today, I'm awful thankful that God doesn't have voice mail. Then we'd really be hopeless!