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dakotamom's picture

well it's spring break and the "guests" as DH likes them to be treated, have arrived. The original plans were for them to invade on Friday, so i guess i shouldn't complain too much - i got a few extra days of peace.
we had made supper and i was cleaning up the dishes when the door burst open. My kitchen was clean when i went to bed at 9. i get up this morning and the sink is full of dishes - not sure why considering it was empty when i went to bed....there are cans all over teh counter. there are spills on the counter. i know when i get home there will be a nasty headprint on the bathroom mirror.

my question is do i present ss15 with the bottle of windex, and ss17 with the dish soap or do i wait until they vacate and hand all cleaning supplies to DH???


meneran's picture

They are old enough to clean after themselves. Present them with cleaning supplies, and tell your husband that you are not the maid Smile

Next time write house rules and make sure its clearly visible. Thats what I would do!

hismineandours's picture

Truthfully my own kids do this to me all the time. Drives me nuts. But I do indeed make them clean it up the next day. So why wouldnt you expect these kids to do so as well?

dakotamom's picture

i do expect it, it's DH that treats them as GUESTS.
to me GUESTS are wanted, they respect your things and do their best to clean up after themselves.
these are not guests.....

hismineandours's picture

Guests also dont get the same privileges as residents. I dont hand all my "guests" money for their entertainment or other various crap. I dont have big birthday parties for them, take them on family trips, provide them with laptops, cable tv or pay for their cell phone bills. I certainly dont pay payments to their mothers to help support them.

Also, if a "guest" in my home was rude or inconsiderate to me-they would be shown to the door and be expected to return to their own home.