DH is listening!
I had a conversation with DH last night before going out to eat with the skids. SS15 has been at our house since Thursday along with 2217 but he went home on Saturday to go to work. I knew ss15 would stay which irritated me. SS17 came back last night for the family meal that we had planned and he will be going home again this morning. ss15 is going back to BM's with him. I brought up to DH in our room before leaving that I would appreciate it if he told ss15 that it would be best if he waited to return on Sunday since he was planning on spending the remainder of the week with us. I told DH that I would love just a little time of it just being he and I since it hasnt' happened for longer than a 2 day span for the last couple weeks. While in the car on the way home ss17 said that he has to work friday through sunday this week so he wont' be coming down for the weekend. Dh asked ss15 what his plans were - he said that he'd have bm bring him back to us on friday and stay until the 8th....do you have ANY IDEA how long of a time period that is with a child you can't stand?!?! I squeezed DH's hand after the comment, he just looked at me, i squeezed it again and he laughed...i'm starting to worry thinking that the kid is going to come down again in 2 days and i'm goign to be stuck with him in my house making a mess dirtying everything when i havent' had a chance to clean from this week. Finally DH said that it would work best if he just waits until Sunday and come with ss17. DH said that WE have a busy weekend planned and wouldn't be around to do things with them so they should just stay at bms house. AH big sigh of relief. we got home and i gave DH a hug and said thank you. he smiled back at me and said that he knows they put a lot of stress on me and that he needs to keep me happy and give me time on my own too. I'm very special to him and he wants me to know that. it's a good day!
- dakotamom's blog
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Awesome for you !!!!
Awesome for you !!!!
my ss15 does the same
my ss15 does the same non-shower thing. grosses me out so bad!!! i just want to spray the whole house down with sanitizer after he leaves. ss15 will stay with us because DH lets him play games all day/nite where the stepdad on the other side tries to encourage him to get out and do other things and be awake earlier than 3pm. The kid will stay up all night playing games and watching tv and then sleeps all day. If the situation were different and they cleaned up after themselves - how hard is it to put dishes in the dishwasher, SHOWER AND BRUSH YOUR TEETH - and quit eating all my food!!!!?? I wonder if it would be different, probably not but i'm just wondering.
Big stinky bodies that don't
Big stinky bodies that don't shower, brush their teeth and my ss15 has no problem wearing dirty clothes and then blaming it on me. DH's parents were there for this conversation along with DH so I felt like a jackass but was able to turn it back around on the kid. he come out to the living room with dirty shorts and a wrinkled up top which he wore the day he first got there. Now 4 days later the clothes are back on. I said didn't you already wear that this week...ss15 replies yes but YOU haven't done my laundry and i'm out of clothes I like. Pissed I respond quickly aren't they your clothes...I have no problem washing them if YOU bring them to the washing machine but they are YOURS and if YOU want them cleaned YOU have to take the iniative and bring them to where I will do them. I'm not going to hunt them down while YOU play games and sleep. He looked around to see if anyone else was going to stick up for him and call me out saying its my job...no one. DH said go change and do what she asked if you want clean clothes. IT was a victory for me - small but at least other people can see that i have no problem helping them but i have boundaries and so do the skids.
we dont' have a set schedule other than during school year they are there on weekends, but with sports they thankfully aren't there as much and now that the ss17 is working he won't be there as much. since ss15 didn't get signed up for drivers ed guess it won't be him driving himself down.
back to the wireless internet - we have this also because we have a kids computer which they are responsible for - loaded with viruses adn won't work anymore, DH and I have a laptop which the skids are not allowed to use. I showed DH all the stuff they look at and how those sites are bad and if he wants them to trash their own computer fine - but they will not use my laptop. DH is in agreeance with this thank god. I have unplugged the internet before so that the skids are forced to entertain themselves in other ways or hopefully leave when they totally piss me off and I'll just act like I don't know what's wrong with the internet. I can be without I dont' care - it's them that don't know what to do. it has also caused them to go back to BMs house before because internet for ss17 is like crack - it's almost like he can't go very long without being on this stupid world of war game thing.