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Next YSD18 Visit

Cover1W's picture

DH was talking with me last night...

So now there is a "plan" - YSD18 should be arriving for Father's Day Weekend a week from this Friday.  She's got finals week at high school this week so isn't going anywhere this coming weekend. OK, whatever, finals will be over and she doesn't have to go to school at all the following week. There's an event at the school this Friday that she actually told DH about so I told him he HAS to go to that.

She did accept enrollment at the most expensive school. Now I get to talk more with DH about retirement planning this weekend coincidentally.  Her total school costs, with housing, are expected to be, with 50% tuition covered, about $50K for year 01. DH and BM are splitting that cost.  She starts school at the end of August so I'm assuming she'll be moving there about a week before when dorms open. I cannot wait to hear about the social ramifications.

I haven't heard anything about graduation. DH said she is walking on Monday evening of the 17th. I've heard nothing about any invitations from DH or YSD. It's a HUGE HUGE open venue and don't think there's tickets actually. But no one has made me feel like I'd be welcome so eff that.  GOOD. I'll have the evening to myself.

I was talking with him about father's day plans, if he wants me to BBQ as usual since YSD will be here and she hates restaurants (she'll have to cook her own vegan meal since I don't cook two meals). Tried to confirm with him that we'd do it on Saturday since YSD usually leaves on Sunday afternoons. He said, "Oh, she should be here on Sunday, going back on Monday, because she doesn't have school." I think I looked at him like he has two heads..."Really?  When she has graduation the next day?" He sad, "She's got no excuse, that's not until the evening."  LOLOLOLOL he's delusional that she'll be here all day on Sunday. And if I'm wrong, I'll buy him an extra beer.

Side note: I cannot WAIT to get rid of that trampoline in the back yard that's basically been unused for a year. AND I'll have to have a talk with DH about her room this summer - we will not hold a shrine. She doesn't have a lot of personal things, and she just, neatly, stores craft things. I will say let her know to take what she wants, let us know what she wants in storage, and the rest will go away. I want that room as my office/second guest room eventually while my current office will be the main guest room.


Harry's picture

If DH can afford $50k a year for her college.. he can afford you catering the meals.   You must find out with $200k + going out. How is DH going to retire?    Should you start buying cat food for the future.?