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Count2ten's Blog

I feel so trapped

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I haven't been in here for almost 7 months. When I changed jobs (to get away from a crazy, abusive boss) things got better for me. They still are. The work I do now is boring, and it's not what I want to do long term, but at least the pay is good and the people are pleasant. I have a long-term plan that I'm working on to start my own business in about 5 years, and so every day I remind myself of the big picture. I say to myself, "Keep your eye on the prize." That takes me past those situations where I want to scream or cry or both.

Balls be Growing?

Count2ten's picture

"Baaaaaahwaaaaa ha ha ha ha!" (sound of evil stepmother laughter)

DH has finally, FINALLY decided to ground the Thong-ager over her constant manipulation and dishonesty. The final straw was when she lied to his face about finishing two very simple assignments she needed to complete in order to change her C in social studies to a B. Skid in same class made an A.

He is going to ground her for a week. No going anywhere except to school and church, and no cell phone (she is a serious textaholic).

GEEZ LOUISE HOLY MACAROONS, it's about friggin' time!!!!!

Mr. No-Balls Strikes Again

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(I did make an effort to reach out to a few other frustrated folks before I started my rant again. Showing support for others is important - it can definitely be a hard, lonely road for we step parents. I also want to warn readers that some content in this passage is PG-13, so skip this message, if you have delicate sensibilities.)

I blew it!

Count2ten's picture

I've been under a ton of stress at work lately -- I work for an incredible jerk. He owns the company, and so there's no "HR" to complain to. Besides, it's just... a steady stream of intimidation and humilation. I've lived through the same situation before, and the hours/commute/pay is good. In my line of work, it could be better, but it could also be a lot worse. So I really need to stay put for a while, but it is sometimes very costly, emotionally and psychologically.

Things are Looking Up!

Count2ten's picture

Remember me? The Tasmanian She-Devil? Notice that my blog avatar has changed to reflect the calmer, more playful me.

When I came to this virtual place two weeks ago, I was at the end of my wits. I had so much stored up anger and resentment... I let it fly, and I got encouragement and support from the folks in here, who are uniquely positioned to understand how difficult stepparenting is.

Just had a shocking realization

Count2ten's picture

After reading through so many entries, it seems that the real trouble is raising up DH to be an adult! Dealing with the skids is a piece of cake compared to that task!

So often, the person you hoping will be responsible and act like an adult is DH, much more so than the skids!

And I say this as one of the lucky few whose husband is reasonably mature and fairly supportive! Even then, there is so much stuff where he is just SO CLUELESS! Even when I'm not parenting the skids, I'm doing a LOT of parenting of HIM so he is up for the task!

The Whole Story

Count2ten's picture

I don't pretend for a second that there is anything unique, special, categorical, etc. about my little tale of woe. I also don't imagine that, living in my beautiful two story house and driving my SUV, that I have it half as bad as say... a blind beggar in Bagdad.

BUT... for those of you out there who have survived the emotional upheaval and constant stress of living with ill-behaved, foul-tempered skids -- you will understand when I say, "The pain is REAL. The sense of grief is PROFOUND. The loss of control is OVERWHELMING. The dread of sitting down to dinner is POWERFUL."