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First blog entry, background on everything, need help

corgimom's picture

I posted this in the forums too, and someone suggested I start a blog to help myself. So my first blog entry will be everything I summarized.. here goes.

I know this is a very long post, but if you have nothing to do, please read and provide words of advice or comfort. I am really in need, and I have not found anything on the internet that specifically can relate to my situation. Thank you in advance.

I hope I chose the right Forum Topic, but my issues seem to dwell in more than one. *deap breath* Okay, so.. this is the situation. DH and I got married back in November. He has full custody of his two children, SD5 and SS3. He got full custody because he found out the BM was physically and mentally abusing the children. They got divorced back in June of 2009. About seven months after their divorce, BM was able to have visitation every other weekend, and in August of 2010, she tried to go for custody, but settled for an extra day of visitation per week on Wednesdays overnight. She hardly paid child support until it started being garnished from her wages. About a month ago she ticked off one of her friends, who is also a loser, and her friend came to DH and told him that BM was still abusing SD5 and SS3. We initiated a DHS investigation, and have since denied her visitation until it is over. We still meet her in public places so she can see the kids, but they are not allowed to her house unattended. Needless to say, the kids have various emotional problems.

SD5 has gotten better as she's gotten older, but she has shown signs of bipolar syndrome and will scream at SS3 and adults at the drop of a hat. She is very reserved and mindful of her behavior at school, but when she comes home her emotional problems are trigged. BM used to beat her on the head with her hairbrush if she flinched, so now she screams every time her hair gets brushed, even if there are no tangles. BM shoves her against the wall while taking a bath and pours water over her head, and SD5 freaks out anytime a single drop of water falls on her face past the crown of her head. SD5 just started seeing a child psychologist, and she has told the doctor and the DHS inspector these things plus more. She has bonded more with me than SS3, and she refers to me as Mommy and her BM by her first name most of the time.

SS3 used to be the well-behaved one, but over the past couple of months he has shown severe emotional problems including violent tantrums over very small things, such as being told to wash his hands or wait a few seconds to do or say something. He is EXTREMELY attached to DH and if DH walks more than 5-10 feet away from him when we are going somewhere, SS3 will immediately start crying and screaming, and most of the time he will end up on the floor in a tantrum. If DH and I are talking and SS3 interrupts screaming his name, DH will cut me off and let SS3 speak. SS3 still calls me by my first name, which is fine, but he also calls BM by her first name. He has never liked her, and I know he likes me, but I think he sometimes sees me as a threat to how much attention he gets from DH. I know he is only this way because he has problems thanks to BM involving neglection, so he wants to be around DH as much as possible. SD5 is the same, just not as violent, and she is very content when we do things together. DH loves and cares for kids very much, and he will never deny them attention, which is definitely fine by me.

Now about me.. hmm.. I'm an only child, so I never really had to share anything. My entire life I was never around kids or babies. I never babysat for anyone, and I only have two cousins: one that is a year older than me, and one that is nine years my junior. I never dealt with my junior cousin, just kind of interacted with him.. and I was still a kid when he was young anyway. To be honest, I've never considered myself to be good with kids or even like them. When I was in my late teens, I didn't know if I would ever even want to have children. It just wasn't something I was interested in. I've always been very independent and I love my me-time. A lot of times, kids would be annoying to me. It's not that I'm heartless, I just couldn't help but feel that way.

I love DH so much, and we are perfect together. I never thought I would find a man that has all the qualities I dream of. He is extremely smart, funny, handsome, fit, sweet, honest, faithful, and supportive. I am so glad that we are married and I get to spend the rest of my life with him. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world, truly. However, it is very hard sharing him with two small children that demand constant attention. I have feelings of guilt for the way I feel, and I am trying my hardest to bond with the children and take things one day at a time. We don't have much money for babysitters much less dates, and ever since BM quit getting visitation it's gotten worse. Within a few weeks after we got married, I was having breathing problems. I assumed it was something asthma or lung-related, so I went to the doctor. Everything was ruled out, and then I started having panic attacks which I have never experienced in my life. After my third panic attack in the doctor's office, they deduced I was experiencing anxiety. It made sense.. I had just gotten married and taken on the role of an almost full-time stepmother, more like mother. I am expected to be the positive female model in the children's lives, because they can't count on BM. I thought I could handle it, but I realized I needed help. Since then, I've been talking to a psychologist once every two weeks.

We deduced that I am jealous of the attention the kids receive from DH. I don't mean to be, I just can't help the way I feel. I am used to being independent and not having to share anything, and it never crossed my mind how hard it would be to share my DH's attention. And honestly, the children get most of the attention, and that's okay. Emotionally, I just need some special time set out especially for one-on-one time for us. And here comes the whopper: I'm 9 weeks pregnant. We found out about a week before we found out about BM's continued abuse. It was a planned pregnancy, and I am extremely excited and happy about it. I know a new baby will be harder at first, but I believe it will help meld the family together and perhaps help me feel more included.

As my hormones have been raging and my energy levels have been low, DH has been taking on more responsibility. This means less time for us to do anything together, even more so now that we have the kids every single day of the week. It's just very hard for me to cope with my feelings. I find myself looking forward to ten, or even five years from now, when the kids will be less dependent on attention from DH (hopefully), and I can get some quality time together. Sometimes I wish it was just me and him. I have these thoughts and similar thoughts running through my head all the time, and I can't help it. I get very down and depressed and I will talk to DH about my feelings of exclusion and neglect. He realizes how important it is to still find time for us, but sometimes he feels I always think about the negatives. A couple of days ago, a small little row spun out of control thanks to my pregnancy hormones. I spent the day from 7AM to 2PM crying. DH thought I was overreacting and being ridiculous. We went home for lunch and I was bawling, begging him to talk to me, but he said he didn't have time to talk to me because DHS was coming to inspect our house that afternoon so he had to pick things up and get it ready. I asked him why he didn't have five minutes to talk to me to calm me down because I was pretty hysterical, probably one of the most upset times I've had in my life. He just kept repeating that he didn't have time, he couldn't help me, and how he wasn't gonna lose his kids because I was being ridiculous. I kept getting more and more heartbroken. All I was gathering from his words was that as long as he had his kids, he didn't need me, and he didn't care. I told him how mean he was being and how I needed his help and I needed him to talk to me so we could work it out, and that I was important too because I was his wife, but he just refused and continued to ignore me and say he didn't care. So I called my boss, asked for the rest of the day off (I was in no condition to come back to work), and continued to cry while he left to go pick up kids from daycare (SS3 was throwing up--he had strep). I'll be honest with you, thoughts of death went through my head. I did not think about killing myself, but I did think "If I killed myself, would he even care or would he be more concerned with what DHS thinks?"

I didn't know what to do, so I called my mom. We talked for awhile, and she comforted me. I tried to call my psychologist, but she is off on Mondays. She called me yesterday, and we have an appointment next week. I am definitely going to discuss with her the thoughts I had, and my fears that I might have depression, brought on by pregnancy. DH came home with the kids and tried to come in the room, but I had locked it. I unlocked it about ten minutes later and he came in and we talked things out. He apologized and admitted he was wrong and he needed his eyes opened. He promised he would always help me through anything I needed. I'm not sure exactly what I did or said that got through to him, but I am glad he realized whatever he did.

To get to the main point.. it is obvious I am having emotional issues myself. I'm not sure if I love the kids or not. I really like them, especially SD5 because she looks up to me so much, but I find myself very possessive of my time with DH, especially when it is "adult time"--i.e. when the kids go to bed. DH mentioned the other day that he sometimes misses them sleeping in the bed with him, but I told him it was very important to me to not have them sleep with us, because no matter what I know that at the end of every day, I get to go to bed alone with him, and at least I get that. I know it's not going to happen overnight, but I really would like some advice on how to deal with my feelings of jealousy, neglect, and sadness. I talk to DH a lot, and I am talking to a counselor, but I would like some input from other stepparents. I don't know what to do anymore. We do family things together often, but I find myself forcing myself to enjoy it or act happy a lot of times. I just don't know what to do. DH tells me to try to keep thinking of positive things, but it is very hard for me to remember positive things about spending time with SD and SS when I feel like I don't get enough of DH. He swears to me that he loves me and the kids equally, but I found myself thinking, "if one of the kids was having a hysterical meltdown, he wouldn't have treated them like that." I know the situation is different because they are kids, but that was just one of the thoughts that popped into my mind.

Please, if anyone has any advice to help me work through my problems, please help me. I WANT to be able to bond and love the kids, because I know eventually they are probably not going to see BM anymore (due to military reasons) and I probably WILL fill the role as fulltime mom. I really want to be happy with my situation, but I need help. Thank you to anyone who has read through all of this. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

Corgi Mom


corgimom's picture

Thank your for your sympathy and advice. I do get me-time a lot, but probably not as often as I should, because I am afraid of making DH feel like I am isolating myself because I don't want to be around either him or the skids. But I think he understands how important it is to me, so I do take a few weekly walks either by myself, with one of my dogs, or with one of my girlfriends. I am also having dinner this weekend with one of my girlfriends, so hopefully it will help. Thanks again.

Rags's picture

Successfully blending a family is challenging. It is harder when there is a new marriage, a new pregnancy and CPS is getting involved with home visits.

I believe that you and DH need to understand the basic differences in how men and women deal with issues. Men are fixers and compartmentalize. We deal with one issue at a time, fix the problem, put away that "file" then pull another. Your DH was dealing with the CPS home visit "file" and needed to finish with it before he could deal with the "pregnant wife" file. Not that you are a problem.

He was not ignoring you, he was solving one issue before moving on to another. DH did not pick his kids over you. He dealt with the "file" he had out at the time before he moved to your file.

Most women do not compartmentalize. They deal with everything all at once and constantly.

My wife and I deal with issues around these differences periodically. The most frequent is her insistence on not taking time to relax. I compartmentalize and when I get home from work I do not want to deal, think or address anything until I have spent some time relaxing and puring my daily stress levels. My wife chooses not to do this. She gets home from work and immediately starts doing something. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc......

Interestingly we are both about equal in effectiveness. She works on everything that has to be done all at once hopping from one thing to the other but not finishing any one thing. When I engage I pick one thing and get it done.

I believe what you are dealing with is this fundamental difference between you and your DH.

You both need to give a bit on this. You need to recognize that when he is in the mode of dealing with the Skids that you are not his focus. You need to let him deal with what he is addressing and not inject yourself in as a distraction or a burden. He needs to recognize that YOU are his priority and he needs to communicate that regardless of the situation. That does not mean he has to stop addressing the Skid stuff when he is dealing with it. He needs to take a second engage with you in a manner that shows how important you are to him then get back to finishing with the Skid file.

This issue can also result in problems that from the man perspective are not real problems. For example, two days ago my wife took the home laptop and was IMing with friends. When she finished she saw that my STalk log in was active so she perused my blogs.

She read one where I was ranting about my SS-18 and his absolute lack of maturing or efforts to engage in becoming an adult. In that rant I said "sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I agreed to be a dad to someone else’s kid". My wife was heart broken.

To me the situation was a single issue that was driven by his a single disrespectful incident between my SS and I. To my wife I was questioning our entire marriage, our family, etc, etc, etc.....

I was not questioning anything. I was venting and letting off steam. I love my son (SS-18) and I worship my wife. They are the core of my life. What I do in all things I do with the family in mind.

It took quite a bit of discussion to get her to see that I have no question about how much I live my kid, her or our family. I was pissed, I had the "kid pissed me off" folder out and I was addressing how I felt about the incident.

Hang in there Corgimom.

Your DH loves you, you will be fine, and you and he will figure out how to partner to effectively raise your new baby and the SKids. It won't be easy but nothing is more fulfilling than growing a strong marriage while raising kids to be viable adults. Even when you have no genetic contribution with some of the kids.

I don't with my SS-18 but I have been his dad since he was 1yo and I AM his dad. He is my son. We have learned over the years how to be those people to each other and more importantly we have learned how to deal with his mother together.

There are many times that we have come to each other's rescue with his mom. After all, we are both male and she is not. But we love her, respect her and want her to be happy and comfortable in our family.

Hang in there. Once the baby is born things should settle down a bit and you and DH can re-engage on being a team in parenting all of the kids.

All IMHO of course.

As for the pregnancy hormone thing …. I have no experience with that one so I will defer to the STalker ladies for input on that.

Congrats on the baby.

Best regards.

corgimom's picture

Thank you for your response and advice. Most of the time DH and I communicate well, it's just the certain feelings about the kids that I let brew inside of me that cause problems. I often don't have the best approach, but we are taking a Family Expectations class together, so we are learning how to better communicate. I am hoping that when the kids are older they will think of me as their mother, or a mother figure, because we don't expect BM to stay in their lives once she realizes she will not get custody (and child support), and she will move back to where she's from. This is bound to happen eventually, because we are both active duty military, and we will get orders someday. It is good hearing from a male's point of view about the way men think and compartmentalize things. This does sound like DH, and he is similiar to your wife in that he is always doing something. Last night I asked him if he thinks he ever has trouble relaxing, and he said probably. Me, I FOCUS on relaxing most of time, now more than ever since I am so tired from the pregnancy. He feels like he always has to be doing something productive, and that in itself makes me feel a bit neglected sometimes, especially if I am trying to relax.

Thanks again for your advice and words of wisdom; I will keep it in mind next time I am finding myself getting irritated or hurt.

alwaysanxious's picture

I am going to read more of this later, sorry I didn't give it my full attention but this caught my eye
"We deduced that I am jealous of the attention the kids receive from DH. I don't mean to be, I just can't help the way I feel. I am used to being independent and not having to share anything, and it never crossed my mind how hard it would be to share my DH's attention"

You're anxiety from this... I experience this ALL THE TIME. When the skids visit and when they are gone. Its like PTSD after they leave. I am constantly on guard for when I am going to get slighted next. You want to relax but just can't.

I'll read more of your post later. Just wanted to say I understand.

corgimom's picture

Thank you for your understanding. Smile I can relate to the PTSD too.. when we DO get free time from the kids, I feel like half the time I'm trying to hard to make our time together enjoyable, instead of just relaxing and enjoying myself. Still have lots to learn.

youngmama1b1g's picture

I know it's hard jumping into parenting. I had experience being an older sibling, and I was lost for a lot- esp when its a young boy. They want their fathers praise and attention so much, and they dont have the vocabulary to really speak everything they want and tantrums are the best way the know to deal with it. If you're still uncomfortable on what to do with them- I would say to take a parenting class (it may even help prepare you for the baby too).
I guarantee you it'll get better as the kids get older. Realize this will probably be the hardest time, both kids not school aged and only compounded because youre pregnant.
Try to find things you can enjoy with your skids too. It's ok if there's 'girls time' and 'boys time' once a week or month. Since you have such a good bond with your SD, shed prob enjoy your individual attention, and possibly getting dad to himself for awhile will help your SS deal with his attachment issues.
Don't feel neglected because SS can interrupt you while talking- I still struggle with reminding my SS4 that it's impolite to interupt people when theyre talking to someone else. It's a learned behavior. It seems like you have the support of a great husband and I hope your pregnancy goes well and less emotional (I once cried because "SS4 didn't like me") and know you're not alone in this epidemic of stepparenting!

corgimom's picture

Thank you for your response. It seems like we don't do a lot of individual errand-running. We do almost everything with each other, and with the kids if they are out of daycare for the day. Maybe we will start splitting up some things so I can take SD5 with me and SS3 can stay with DH. I know for a fact that if we tried to do it the opposite way, SS3 would throw a fit and claim he wants to stay with daddy.

I talked to DH about trying to teach SS3 manners about speaking, but he said he is too young to understand. Perhaps I will just take it into my own hands in a very nice and gentle way next time he interrupts me.

Thank you again for your response.. I have been able to keep the negative thoughts out of my head this week, and DH has been very sensitive to my needs. I hope it keeps up. Smile

sasha101's picture

I really feel for you, I've been in a similar situation with my 3 skids and I know how hard it is to take on someone else's kids, specially when they have behaviour problems through abuse.
Dh and I have full custody of his 3 boys, who are 7, 8 & 14 because their mother was deemed unfit due to mental health problems etc. She was very emotionally abusive towards the children and towards dh in front of them and this has caused them all sorts of problem behaviour.

Your description of their clinginess and violent tantrums could have been written about my skids, and their tantrums were over the most ridiculous little thing (I remember one 2-hour screaming session plus throwing things at dh over one of them spilling a drop of yoghurt on his pyjamas). We've also had extreme screaming over basic things like washing hair, cutting nails etc because she was very rough with them and shouted if they flinched at all, making them terrified of simple everyday things. The clinginess was awful - dh couldn't even go to the bathroom without someone crying and screaming for him, and they were always pretending to be ill with mysterious tummy aches, headaches etc which miraculously disappeared if they thought they might miss out on something nice. The attention seeking has also been a nightmare and the constant interrupting drove me to distraction. It still happens to a lesser extent, specially ss7 who still interrupts all the time and clings to dh like a toddler, but it's not as bad as it used to be.

It's good that your sd is seeing a psychologist, and she will need a lot of help for a long time as she has been through serious trauma. Your ss also needs help by the sounds of it, as he is obviously very traumatised too by his bm's abuse. We live in the UK and all the boys had help from child mental health services which was really helpful. But your DH needs to step up and be very, very firm with them so they learn that this behaviour doesn't give them any rewards. The kids are clingy to dh because he is their security figure, and they're probably terrified that he'll go away or something - not much help to you I know when you're having to cope with their screaming fits, but hopefully if they get the right help they'll start to feel more secure and calm down.

DH has done really well with the boys, with the help and advice from the mental health people. When they had their tantrums he used to put them in their rooms without speaking to them, no eye contact so they weren't getting any attention. Then he'd start removing things from their room without speaking to them, first a favourite toy and if they carried on screaming then another toy, and the longer they screamed the more things were removed. If they came out of their room he put them back without speaking or looking at them, and if we were out he'd pick them up, carry them back to the car without speaking to them and take them straight home and put them in their room till they calmed down. Any treats that were planned for that week (ie trip to Mcdonalds etc) was cancelled and they had to earn their things back through good behaviour. He also had a reward chart and drew either smiley faces for good behaviour, straight faces for ok behaviour and sad faces for bad behaviour for different times of day (ie breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime) and if they went a week with not too many ok faces and no sad faces they got a treat. It took a long time and a lot of hard work but it did work in the end, and they don't have tantrums like this anymore as they've learned it doesn't get them anywhere.

We also had a lot of problems at mealtimes, with them whining that they didn't like their dinner. He told them that was all there was and to take it or leave it. If they went into a tantrum he did the same, put them in their room and told them dinner would be on the table for a set amount of time and if they didn't eat it they would miss out till the next mealtime. We had a few wasted meals but it worked eventually once they realised they weren't going to be getting anything else and they eat their meals with no problem now.

My skids still have contact with their bm, as the court ordered eowe and half of school holidays. To be honest, I could not cope with being a sm if I didn't get regular breaks as I feel strongly that we need couple time (luckily dh agrees with me). Bm's had another baby now so she's mellowed a lot and doesn't seem to mistreat them anymore, but I know she panders to their every whim, gives in to whining and if the three of them want diffrent meals she makes them all different. Luckily for us, they know that there are different rules in our house and don't even bother to try it on anymore because they know we won't pander to them like she does.

It's very difficult for you, because it sounds like bm's not even fit to have visitation and you're stuck with these 2 young kids with their horrific behaviour without a break, plus you're pregnant too. You're bound to feel angry and resentful - I know I do even though the kids aren't half as bad as they used to be, so don't ever let your dh make you feel guilty about that. Being jealous of the attention he gives them is natural, specially if they're interrupting your adult time with their screaming/whining etc. I know with my dh, he was so exhausted after dealing with their bad behaviour all day, he was falling asleep after they went to bed and I wondered whether it was worth it, as I felt like spending time with me was right at the bottom of his priority list and it made me very resentful of him, bm and the kids.

You need to talk to your dh about how you feel in a calm and rational way. Try not to make it sound like you're blaming him for anything as he will just get all defensive. He needs to acknowledge that his kids need professional help and firm parenting, otherwise they'll rule your house and will learn that bad behaviour gets them what they want You're pregnant and a new baby will be coming into your family so he has to take responsibility for making sure his kids don't make yours and the new baby's life a misery - it's his child too and you and your baby don't deserve to be second best to his badly behaved kids.

I really hope you can work something out as you need to look after yourself and put yourself first. If it gets too much, I would take myself off out of the way and let dh deal with them - I'm sure some of the other ladies and gents on here will be able to advise you more about disengagiing if it becomes necessary to protect yourself from more anxiety.

Good luck.

corgimom's picture


Thank you very much for your response.. I had totally forgotten, but SD5 and SS3 both have mysterious tummy aches, head hurting, something itching, needing a tissue for boogers, if their first tactics for attention don't work. Both DH and I call them out on it a lot, "No you don't; you just want attention." Then they will start crying and screaming when they realize it's not going to work and start repeating it over and over, "AHHH MY TUMMY HURTS! MY TUMMY HURTS! MY TUMMY HUUUUURRRRTS!" So that is rough.. normally we kind of just ignore them till they calm down.

I like the idea of a chart a lot. We have a lot of problems with SD5 eating dinner. We don't ever make anything gross for dinner; SS3 is such a good eater and always smashes everything, but SD5 never wants to eat her dinner unless she has some say in what she's eating. We had discussed having a chart to track when she eats her dinner good, but we haven't followed up on it. I think having a chart track behavior for all day would be even better. It just stinks, because even if they are behaving well, sometimes I still feel resentful. We are both active duty military, so any grandparents or extended family are literally states away. We are trying to get orders to a base that is near my home, but it is possible we are stuck here for another three years.

DH has been wonderful this rest of this week. He has made it a point to pay attention to me, even when there are distractions. Even if he does something little, like rub my shoulders for a minute or two, it makes me feel special, and I let him know that. We started a 10-week Family Expectations class this week that is meant for expecting parents. It is 80% about keeping a healthy relationship between the two of us and 20% about caring for a newborn. So this means that at least once a week we will be able to get out of the house for about 4 hours and spend some time learning about us. Even if it's not a date, it still helps. I am hoping that great things come out of it.

Thank you for your response again, it really means a lot. I will keep my head up and suggest to DH when he gets home (I am off work for my birthday) the behavior chart.

mmm1's picture

WOW! This really gives me a glance of what I deal with and I am sure will in the future.
We currently have shared custody of SK's. However we are in court and custodial evaulation period to gain full custody of SKs due to Parent alienation and psychological abuse and possible sexual abuse of Sk's.
Sad is the fits and disrespect for thier father, my sk's are really bad at times. And there is no respect for me and I have caught my ss strangling my bdaughter. He is 7 she was 18 months. They had pushed her down the stairs and sat on top of her and she couldnt breathe. Sd is 11 and ss is 7 almost 8.
It is hard they really show they love her but then they also are violent with her. It is sooo hard.
Hang tough I have anxienty moments and as well depression and other problems. But I can not really see that all I and my new fam have been through I would be insane to not recongnize I have these issues. But I work through them.

Hang on girl it is tough but you will make it! I tell myself that every day

alwaysanxious's picture

Hi Corgimom,

I do hope you find it helpful here. I have read your full post and so much of it resonates with me. I have an SD15 and SS12. They are older and we only have them EOW though. I can tell you that I still get these feelings even though they just visit most of the time. I was seeing a therapist but she wasn't really helpful. I have had those panic attacks that you talk about too.

To have your DH basically say he didn't have time for you at your worst moment was horribly disappointing and will lead to insecurity. I have had it happen as well. I now sit waiting, wondering how and when I will be disappointed next when the skids visit. I am trying to get pregnant now and hoping that will help me to feel more included as well. To be honest, what I see happening is that I will not want my own child around skids very much given how grown and sometimes inappropriate they can be (just with things they watch or say). You have it worse since you are dealing with two young abused children who are themselves insecure and dealing with a lot of other issues.

I do wish you well and really hope this board along with your therapy will help you along. One thing I will tell you is ALWAYS stand up for yourself to DH. Don't let things go and let him build bad habits. I did that and now am working on him to undo a lot of it. It is very difficult when you've let them act disrespectful then try to undo it. Start it from the beginning and be vocal.
It will get better.