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SS turned 16

Cooooookies's picture

Like a typical teen, he wanted video games.  So DH will buy him a new game that doesn't come out until beginning of October.  SS is more than happy to wait because it's what he wants.  Everyone is coming to our house today to celebrate his birthday.  We bought streamers, signs and balloons.  All going great.

BM2, of course, continues to be the waste of skin that she is.  She has bragged for a week that she is sending SS a box of gifts for his birthday.  So this big box arrives and SS16 is so excited, big smile on his face and his eyes lit up.  Opens it up and this is what was inside:

- 3 balloons, one had 16 in big letters, two were plain,

- a "World's Greatest Son" coffee mug with a cartoon dog on it,

- a tiny bag of chocolate buttons,

- a covered cardboard cup of jelly beans.

That's it folks.  His face fell like a lead balloon.  He just stared at the mug and two small bits of candy and said "I don't get it."  He put the mug in the kitchen and went back upstairs.  I really could kill that woman.  All that hype for stuff that would have cost less than £10 at the pound store.  Cheap tack for a young man's SIXTEENTH birthday.

Apparently she told DH that it's not much because she paid for flight tickets for SS to visit her during school term in October.  That's a load of bull in my opinion.  It's not SS's fault she lives in another country or that they divorced or that she won't live over here to avoid child support.  Flights to visit the NCP is NOT part of any holiday or birthday for your damn kid!

Congratulations BM2, you continue to show just how disgusting you are.  Who does that?!


StepUltimate's picture

Many countries have child support "reciprocity" agreements where they each agree to enforce child support orders issued in the other country. In the U.S., you'd contact the national Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE).