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BM2 saga hit it's grand finale and I just found out!

Cooooookies's picture

DH just told me this grand little nugget Saturday night. As I've been blogging about, BM2 came to my house several times this year, beating around the bush with DH. Trying to get her talons back into him and asking questions that were none of her business.

Welllllll on her next to last visit, on a Sunday when I was at work (of course), she let it all spill out!! There was no beating around the bush...she just up and said what she was eluding to since last December when she moved back to England. No more guessing that she just moved back her to get DH back. She 100% had the mission to do just exactly that!!

DH said he didn't tell me because he didn't want a possible tornado of rage, confrontation and fights. Now that she's moved and staying in Cyprus, he has spilled the beans. I told him there's no need to get upset. He has handled her beautifully and, besides that, she's the one completely jealous of me. All I've ever done is just be myself. I told DH I've never had so much affect on someone for simply just existing.

Anywho, here's roughly how it went, per what DH could recall as this happened about a month ago. She came over to drop off SS15 after a visit. SS went upstairs and she started, point blank, no holding back:

BM2: Why don't you and I just get back together?

DH: Pardon?!?!

BM2: We can be a family again.

DH: That is never going to happen. I am married to Cookies. I love Cookies. You and I are over, long over.

BM2: I have a great paying job here. We could easily afford this house together. You and I could live here, with SS. It would be just like old times.

DH: Yeah, just like old when you cheated on me. Twice. Left me twice for other men. I don't and would never trust you again. I've moved on, just like you used to tell me. Over and over, remember?

BM2: But you said once that you'll see how it goes with Cookies.

DH: Yeah I was just getting to know her then. That was years ago...We're married now! So obviously it's going really well, don't ya think?! Just how long did you think I would wait for you??? It's been over ten years now since YOU left ME! I've moved on now and you and I are DONE!

BM2: But I've told Friend and Mr Britannia that I'm still in love with my ex husband. I even told Friend1 and Friend2 in Cyprus that I'm still in love with you.

DH: I don't care what you've told people, we are not happening ever again. I'm happy now. I love Cookies, I love my life. I have a woman I can trust, who loves me. She'd do anything for me and would never do me wrong.

BM2: *scoffs* Oh, yeah, Cookies. Mrs. Don't Drink, Don't Smoke. Pffft. You guys don't even sleep in the same bed!

DH: THAT is irrelevant and none of your business! At least we can go out and she won't embarrass me cuz she's had too much to drink and acting the f**king fool! {like BM2 used to do} *devilish grin* Besides, she still visits me in the night *wink wink*

BM2: (completely frustrated now as none of this is going as she'd like) Can't you just tell her to leave???! She can f*ck off, back to America!!!

DH: (that done it, he'd had enough) *raises his finger, his chest and his voice* NO! That is ENOUGH!! Shut your f**king mouth, I'm done! Get the hell out of my house. LEAVE!!

BM2: Okay. *walks over to DH and leans in to kiss him on the mouth*

DH: *holds his arm, outstretched, with his hand up* I don't f**king think so! OUT!!

And she left. Only came back once to drop off SS from another visit but DH was at work. She had fallen out with everyone here and went back to Cyprus.

I'd say I'm angry but I'm not. Certainly not surprised as I saw it coming for ages now. DH handled it so well all year round. I'm actually quite amused...knowing she is absolutely seething over the fact that her plot failed so grandly. That I'm still here and she's not. That DH has had the AUDACITY to move on and now his life doesn't include her.

DH was handsomely rewarded for such a great job }:)

***EDIT*** I also forgot to mention that BM2, sometime in the summer, asked DH if he wanted to 'hang out' one night. She could get a hotel room and he could tell me that he had to go to his Dad's house {his dad lives over an hour's drive away and I don't drive}. DH said absolutely not, what the heck is wrong with you and do not EVER include my father in anything you do!

Stay tuned, I'm sure they'll be more. One day...


lieutenant_dad's picture

BAHAHAHAHA! That's fantastic.

I wait for the day that BM here does the same. I'm pretty sure DH will mention how "visits" are more fun with me, anyway. }:)

Acratopotes's picture

hehehe wish I could've been a fly on the wall......

I would not be able to tease him about it.... things like, what Hon, you really do not want her back, but she's your child's mother lol...
yeah I'm that evil one Wink

glad the hag went back to Cypress, I think SS is much more happier with her gone then what we are with her gone

Cooooookies's picture

Haha sometimes I tease him. I'll say ohhhh but why don't you want her back? What's not to like? I'm sure you miss the cheating and sneaking around and all the insults about how you were never good enough. I just don't understand why you haven't taken her back yet. :sick:

I have to say she is quite entertaining...though I'd still love to at least give her a hug...with a frying the face.

*innocent grin*

Livingoutloud's picture

What a loony! Idiotic woman.

DH’s ex used to call him asking him to “admit” that he loves her and wants her back. He told her that in their entire marriage she did ONE good thing for him. She asked “what?” He said “divorced me, so now I can finally enjoy my life”. Lol

It was before we got married. She is now blocked from everywhere because she followed up with phone calls asking him to “to admit” that he hire his former lawyer to spy on her (she saw him in grocery store) and then called demanding him to “admit” he hired people to kill her so he doesn’t have to pay alimony (she saw suspicious looking guys outside)

Oh these women .

DaniellaR's picture

The BM here use to send DH pictures of her and her "toy" and proclaimed she would win him back. the way she "won" him the first time is DH was alcohol dependent so she would tag along with the crowd he hung with and buy him drinks until she looked good. She told the alcoholic idiot that she was allergic to condoms but not to worry, she was on BC. Yep, she definitely won his heart ::eye roll:: Sounds like the BM in your story is equally as delusional.

Cooooookies's picture

Oh yes, BM2 used to send photos of herself in cards, emails, texts. Tell DH all about how her and Mr Cyprus were fighting or how many times per week they had sex. How many guys she had on tow at any given moment.

She just can't understand why DH isn't attracted to her washed out, cheating cheap arse. She's been poked more times than a pin cushion. I mean, what's not to love, right?! :sick:

momjeans's picture

Omg, this is the funniest. Classic!

It brings back memories of BM crying and begging for “a second chance” when she found out DH and I were dating.

Cooooookies's picture

Yep she was doing a whole lot of begging. I forgot to mention that she'd also invited him to go and 'hang out' one night, just her and DH. She would rent a hotel room and DH could tell me that he was going up to FIL's house.

DH said no way, that's NEVER happening and do NOT involve his dad in anything! She's a gem.

WTF...REALLY's picture

First year hubby and I were together.....she gave him his wedding champagne glass (from thier wedding) as a xmas gift. Hahahahaha....dontcha remember when we were married.....hahahaha....

He threw it away.

Can I ask why you two don’t sleep in the same room?

justkeepstepping's picture

Her husband snores horribly while sleeping. Sometimes I wish DH and could have separate rooms. He talks too much in his sleep, hogs the covers, and is a huge arse if he gets woken up in the middle of the night. (Which is great when you have a 3 year old that sleeps with you still-DH's fault)

Cooooookies's picture

DH is just so NOISY when he sleeps. The snoring is just the start. He swings his arms, kicks his legs, talks, moans, slaps his belly. It is a symphony of destruction lol.

It's only because of all that. If I could find a way to make him sleep peacefully, I would LOVE to sleep with DH again.

DaizyDuke's picture

Why and how in the wide world of sports, does BM know that you and DH don't sleep together? Skid chatter??

Cooooookies's picture

I don't know, probably SS15. It's not like it's kept secret or anything. Everyone knows how loud DH snores. SS35 and SD32 said they even recorded it once when they were kids. I just can't cope. I sleep so lightly I could hear a fly fart.

At that point in the conversation, she was desperately grasping for anything. I think in her mind, I'm just some dumb American bimbo that forces DH to stay with me. That I'm a horrible person and DH is miserable. Anything besides the truth of that we are happy together and her knees haven't seen each other in over a decade.

It's never their fault, ya know. Wink