Parent Teacher Conferences
So, how does your SO and the ex handle parent teacher conferences? Do they go together? Go separate? One go and the other just e-mail or text the report back to the other parent? I'm just curious about how these things usually go....
My SO and his ex go together, I hate it! lol I think it's mostly b/c then I feel a little insecure about the 4 of them being together as a family... I know nothing will happen, him and his ex don't like each other - but it still makes me uncomfortable.
How do you guys feel about whatever situation your SO handle things? Also, if you have an ex - I'd like to hear how you and your ex handle parent teacher conferences as well! Just wanting to see if there's a norm
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They go separately. SO with
They go separately. SO with me and Jabba the Hut with her Michelin man. Jabba forbids the school from doing joint meetings. Same with therapists.
My ex and I don't do anything together. He left when I was 3 months pregnant with my first born.
I go because SO can't
I go because SO can't remember what he ate 10 minutes before the meeting happened
Most days SO and I are suitably impressed he remembers to put his pants on before driving to work.
Unless it's to do with
Unless it's to do with gaming, fantasy football or a series he wants. THEN he can remember just fine.
Monchichi, we're married to
Monchichi, we're married to the same guy! Really spooky!
Ugh, why do these two go
Ugh, why do these two go together then!?! When so far, nobody else does! I've tried to talk to him about it once, that is seemed strange to me and might confuse the kids a little to see their parents together... idk... am I just overacting or what?
Depends on how amicable their
Depends on how amicable their split is and if they do the whole co parenting thing to the letter. If it's a decent enough parting then yes you may be over reacting. If it's handled maturely you should let this one go.
Jabba and SO would gouge each others eye out. Spit venom, holy water would be needed with wooden crucifixes and I think black garlic too. They see each other once a year at the school concert from opposite ends of the hall. All correspondence is via email or through lawyers. All hand overs are handled by Jabba's new husband or MIL.
Alright, makes sense. I'll
Alright, makes sense. I'll just let it go. It's my own insecurity issue anyways, if they can do it - why not? I mean it does make things easier on the teachers.
BM goes through stages of being a complete c*nt and then sometimes just never hearing anything from her (man, those times are great!) I've taught him to just ignore her shit though, you got divorced so you wouldn't have to argue anymore - just don't even respond!
I go to most of them solo,
I go to most of them solo, the elementary anyways. Which I Dont mind, I'm the one who keeps in touch with all of the teacher ps and counsellors. DH will go if there is something specific that needs to be addressed but he works all the time so I don't mind doing it. BM couldn't care less about grades and meetings.
DH handles the high schoolers meetings with teachers and/or guidance counselors. I am involved but just to know what they should be doing at home. Although, most of the time they have no homework. Their BM is the same.
Neither Bam has ever been to a conference. In the time I've been here, have never asked about them either.
I handle my bios. BF isn't involved at all.
With my ex, I go. In the
With my ex, I go. In the beginning, he was invited, but he would never attend. So, I would email him with the information I received. After a while of lack of interest, I stopped sending him the information and he's never asked.
With my husband and his ex, they are both very involved. They attend conferences and school meetings together. I have no issue with this. They are the kids' parents. They should both be involved.
My skids school is freaking
My skids school is freaking huge, so rather than "schedule" conferences they have a "Parent/Teacher night" twice a year. Parents could go and meet with whatever teachers they wanted, you just waited outside the classroom for the teacher to be free. (This is for general conferences. If there was a problem - failing, or behavioral issues, which we never had to deal with thank god - then parents could be called in for a specific meeting.)
I went ONCE. BM was there, so all of us met with teachers, mostly together. It was fine. My main problem is that not only do I consider education more important than BM does (by FAR), I apparently also valued it more than the teachers did. One of the English teachers literally told me that she would NOT correct SD's grammar because "if they don't know it by now, I can't help them." :jawdrop:
Nope, not my kid, no way am I getting into that mess. (They went to a horrible school, just terrible.)
Anyway, DH went to a few more of those nights, and I assume he met the teachers with BM. *shrug* It didn't - and wouldn't - bother me at all. I'm not any more uncomfortable with that than I am with his doctor seeing him naked, you know? It's just part of the job. Our BM isn't batshit crazy though, and more importantly, I ALWAYS feel like a team with my DH.
If it makes you uncomfortable though, talk to your DH. Not like, "This is so wrong" because in and of itself it's not. But tell him this is exceeding your comfort level for whatever reason, and could he maybe do individual meetings with the teachers for your sake?
SO and I attend all PTC. I
SO and I attend all PTC. I have also attended a few alone. BM has been asked to come to all the PTC's but hasn't attended one since SS9 was in kindergarten.
BM goes to the school once a year. That's during the summer for registration.
My ex and I are hi conflict
My ex and I are hi conflict and we have done the last 2 parent teacher conferences together. He only sees BS7 EOW and never did homework when we were married or any of the school stuff. It stresses me out so much to have to go to this together that this is the last time I will do them together. He can schedule his own from now on. Any future GF or step mom can go with him for all I care. I am the one raising BS, I do all the work and based on his father's non parenting when BS is with him ( he sleeps on the couch and has the older 1/2 brothers do all the work) I should be the one doing all the work. If my ex wants to pretend like he is a good dad and maybe drag some poor deluded woman with him... I say go for it.
I have no interest in going
I have no interest in going to these conferences. I just wondered how most people did them. I don't have any kids myself, and my parents are still married - so it wasn't an issue for me growing up either - so obviously I have no idea! Seems by them going together, it is a little out of the norm, but no big deal. Only a couple more years of that anyways before the kids are older and it isn't a scheduled thing anymore.
Thanks for the input everyone
SO and I attended SS7's P/T
SO and I attended SS7's P/T conference in the Fall (our school only has one a year) and BM scheduled one on her own time. She actually emailed SO saying she signed "THEM" up for a conference at X time on X day. No, crazy lady. YOU can go on your own time and WE will go on our time. SO wanted to speak with the teacher about any behavioral differences she noticed when SS7 was on BM time (they have 50/50 custody.) I really wanted to be involved because education is extremely important to me and I truly think BM could give a shit (although she puts on a MOTY act whenever possible.)
Alternately, my parents (never married, not together, my mom had full custody and I only saw my dad twice a week, no overnights) did not go together. My mom always went and I think whenever my dad could "fit it in", he would try to go. I think he MAYBE went 2-3 times and that's being generous. My step-mom would not have gone as she was busy popping out/raising 4 children of her own with my dad.
Yea, he usually gets the text
Yea, he usually gets the text from BM "conferences are this date, this time" and then he just goes.... They have 50/50 custody as well. I'm waiting to see when the teachers will say something about their hygiene when they are with their mom! One Friday we picked them up, they were so disgusting! Told us they only took 1 bath during those 7 days... W T F!!!! I'm not sure if there is any behavioral differences, but yea - going together would prevent the teacher from being able to address it with one parent or the other.
There haven't been too many
There haven't been too many of these they had to attend. Most times DH is working so BM will go and will fill him in by text or call. When SS16 was picking his senior classes they went together but BM just sat to the side while DH and SS talked to them. She has no clue on what classes he needs for certain colleges.
BM just let my SO know she's
BM just let my SO know she's bailing on conferences LOL! she's "got other shit to do" Well alright then! Now he's feeling all high and mighty "I'm the better parent" and the school will know it. silly man.