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Demanding BM's

cmarie's picture

Just a short comment that I wouldn't mind some opinions on...

I always my BF's text messages from BM. Not that I don't trust him, more so because he never tells me the ridiculous things she says to him.
I saw a few recent ones regarding my BF picking his son up from daycare. Well I guess he wasn't at daycare, instead he was at BM's house. Technically my BF has until 6 o'clock to get to daycare before it closes. He works in the trades so some days he gets done between 3 and 4 and other days he's working until 5. So around 4:00 BM sends him a text saying "Where are you?" my BF writes back "Leaving work now, be there soon depending on traffic." BM responds with "Drive Faster!"


I'm sorry nothing about our life revolves around BM. And that is including my BF's work schedule.

(Sidenote- My bf's son was not at daycare because BM was being investigated for the state aid that she is on so he was not allowed to be at daycare because the state pays for it)


stepmama2one's picture

Maybe she didnt want the child around when the investigation was going on because she was trying to hide something. If there is no specific time when he is to pick the child up by then he should of told her to get off her fn high horse and that if he wasnt there by the time she wanted him to be there then she is just going to have to wait longer.... I hate people that think that the things they have to do is more important than others.

marty15's picture

DH and I do not text our ex'es. We just don't. If there is anything that is going off schedule, we have to actually call them. And it really makes you think, is it REALLY important enough to actually have to call? Usually it's not. Like in your BM's case. If he has until 6, she should just trust that he will be there sometime before 6!

Texting just gives them a way to say whatever crazy thing pops in their head and then they expect an immediate reply. That is too much intimacy with an ex, anyway, and it gives them an electronic leash on you.

That would drive me crazy if BM was texting DH "where are you". Hello you lost the ability to nag DH when you two divorced! She doesn't get to tell him to "drive faster", she doesn't get to tell him CRAP any more, actually. I would put a stop to that if I were you. Divorced people need boundaries and communication should be just the facts related to the kids/schedule/etc, and that's it. IMO!

cmarie's picture

Yeah well and here is the situation. She is 24 and he is 27. They were never married and they never even dated seriously. They messed around a few times. She was 18 and lied about being on birth control when she got pregnant.

Not only does she not have the right to demand things now. She never really did. That is just her bitch personality. She thinks my BF owes her his life for some reason.

The investigation wasn't something that was going on in person or anything. Basically BM claims state insurance and state aid and tells the state that she works 40 hours a week so that the state will pay for full time daycare. Well she doesn't work 40 hours a week and they must have figured it out.

asheeha's picture

It's ANNOYING! She feels entitled to boss your BF around and that ticks you off!

Brings out the, "back off B this is my man"

But if you expect him to be in your life and if she's really crazy then you will have to let stupid stuff like this go. If he doesn't let it control him and he just ignores it, then it's not so bad.

If he panders to her, then that's bad.

Honesty, my DH exW texts him all sorts of crazy stuff, invites him to events (dates), calls him a bad dad, chews him out for what skids said, says I love you, wishes him "happy anniversary" on the day they were married. She's CRAZY!!!

Yes, it get's to me sometimes, but he can't really control her so we just ignore her, call her a bad name, sometimes pray she get's a life and move on!

I'm getting very good at MOVING ON!

I wish you the best!

Willow2010's picture

So around 4:00 BM sends him a text saying "Where are you?" my BF writes back "Leaving work now, be there soon depending on traffic." BM responds with "Drive Faster!"


I have debated on replying to this post or not. I am sorry, but this sounds really, really fishy to me. That sounds like a text convo that DH and I would have. You know...I want him to get home quick so I can see him. Sorry, but that is my take on it. I am sure it is not the case, but it kind of gave me the creepys when I read that. Good luck.

Jsmom's picture

Agree with willow...If there were no background to this, I would say they were having an affair and she was horny...

purpledaisies's picture

We like the text with bubble butt b/c it shortens her responses lol. And dh doesn't have to hear her voice. He hates to talk to her but then if she sends crazy texts he can use them. }:)

She has done the very thing just recently to my dh about ss15. In fact he wasn't moving fast enough for her so she dropped him off at his work. She just didn't want him anymore. It was crazy.

I hear ya on not her place to tell him anything! If he is to be there at a certain time then she has no right to try to make him get there faster and to risk his life! Crazy woman.

cmarie's picture

That is seriously the funniest thing I have seen in a long time! Definitely just made my Monday a lot better!

RogueRanger's picture

Wow. I did just gooogle Golden Uterus Complex, and oh my god- how dead on. In fact, it'd be completely hysterical if it weren't so dead on and SUCH a pain in the ass to deal with.

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