Fire burning at 2:47 am
I am about to explode. BF decided it was fun for his kids to build a fire in the backyard a few feet from the kitchen at 9 pm. He didn't mention it to me and I didn't even know it until I started to feel suffocated inside the house. So he said, "I will tell them to put it out." So I thought it was going to be out in a while. Duh!!! The fire still burning hot at almost 3 am. The kids are 11 and 12 and they are out there alone with a couple of neighbor kids with the fire and BF is asleep so tonight my eyes are really wide open to see how he discipline them. What a tight ship he mentioned he always ran! The air inside the house is so bad I turned on both the air and fan and still smell like the Fire Department should be called. If it was not in the middle of the night right now, I would have left the house. After tonight I am really not sure if this relationship is worth it, are we really heading somewhere beautiful like he always said, it will only go up from here. I am really not sure.
- Clovergirl's blog
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That is totally ridiculous.
That is totally ridiculous. If it had not been out by half an hour after I had told BF I wanted it out, I would have taken a hose pipe to it, and it would have damn well been out. Not only it is a nuisance to you and all the neighbours, but potentially a fire risk as well, especially "supervised" by an 11 and 12 year old.
I guess I don't understand
I guess I don't understand why you think BF should be disciplining the kids over something he totally set up and encouraged (then flopped his buns down and started to snore).
The whole fire thing was ill thought out and it was by BF not the children. What Dad suggests building a fire next to the house? What Dad suggests starting the fire with no regard for smoke filtering throughout said house? The incident was irresponsible on BF's part. You should have taken that hose mentioned above and ran it right over Dad's head. I seriously wonder if BF actually told them to put it out when you first objected to the silliness? What Dad would would leave it up to a bunch of 11 year olds to be sure a fire was properly put out?
Your problem appears more to be with BF's parenting skills than with the children. JMO.
He is lucky no neighbors
He is lucky no neighbors called the cops about two unsupervised kids playing w fire. Wtf.
Is this a clue for what is to come?
Bad news and very dangerous.
Bad news and very dangerous. DH needs his head examined!!!
I would have called the fire
I would have called the fire department.
We have an arsonist setting fires in the next block from us. So far one person has died and about 50 units burned out. It just takes a stray spark to cause huge damage.
I once was told "Fire can be
I once was told "Fire can be your best friend or your worst enemy." Its true and my brother burnt a house down just with a cigarette and it only took a couple of minutes before it turned fatal. Your DH needs to be educated and so do the Skids.
I told BF that I was thinking
I told BF that I was thinking of calling the Fire Department last night and guess what he said? "You threaten me, that's it!" I was like, "Oh wow! That was a threat?"
So he's threatening you for
So he's threatening you for suggesting you might threaten him? Male logic. Seriously, I think you'd be better off out of this relationship. You and he don't seem to have the same standards AT ALL, and I prefer yours.