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I'm screwing your husband

cloudySM's picture

I received a text message from a random number. The person told me they where screwing my husband every and anywhere and that he could not get enough. I should just cut my losses and divorce him because I don't compare to her an that's why he keeps coming back for more. When he is not at home with me he is pounding her like the world is ending. He even gave it to her the day before our wedding.

I know BM sent me that message but it wasn't her phone number it was from a number I had never seen before. When my husband walked in the door I showed him the message. He called BM and tore into her about that crap. She swears she did not send that message and that DH is just trying to cover his butt.

When my step kids came over I asked them if they had given my number to BM. One of my SD's said yes because BM wanted it incase she couldn't reach DH in case of emergency. I wrote down the phone number that texted me and asked if they knew the number. They did not. I did a reverse search on the number nothing. When I tried to call the number it said I have reached a number that is no longer in service.

I already have a RO against BM she knows she shouldn't contact me. The cops said there is no proof that BM sent that text. I know she sent it. The message makes no since so I know its not true. The day before our wedding he spent the whole day with his bachelor party. My brother was there and had to carry DH to bed because he was so drunk. He is barely ever not with me. He works in his office in the back of the house. I'm not stupid I know it was BM and it infuriates me that she is trying to ruin my marriage. I don't even understand why. I have done nothing to this lunatic.


StepKat's picture

She hates what you have and she’s trying to destroy it. I would just ignore her and continue on with your life. You can’t prove it was her so stressing over it won’t do you any good. The best way to get even with her at this point is to continue on with your loving relationship with your husband. You know the truth and you love each other, and that’s all that matters. Let her squirm in her own self petty and disgust. Karma’s a bitch and she’ll learn that quick.

cloudySM's picture

Has it finally stopped altogether for you? This bull crap has me wanting to pull my hair out. I want peace in my life without having to worry about her next plan of attack.

ltman's picture

It may not be bm, it may be a SD. Ysd aka Little Bitch, had a guy call the house looking for me when she knew I was out. Dh got the call and the guy proceeded to tell him some very juicy things he and I were supposedly up to. It was a very intense time when I got home from work. Dh had huge trust issues.

cloudySM's picture

Woooooow :jawdrop: . I don't think it was my SD's because they like me or at least act like they do. Plus that message contained some pretty graphic details that I did not mention in my post. If my young SD's could even talk like that there would be serious problems. The oldest is 12

StepKat's picture

In my opinion I think you and your DH should just laugh at her sad and desperate attempts to mess up ya’lls marriage. She’s clearly stupid beyond human belief. Don’t let this get to you. Laugh at the bitch.

zerostepdrama's picture

Block that number. Change your number. Dont give it out to anyone that has contact with BM.

She is pathetic and is jealous. I too would be really annoyed and mad but you know your husband isnt doing that stuff.

Sparklelady's picture

I had this done to me once as well, not by bio mom but a former friend. He had his daughter anonymously call me to tell me my husband was sleeping with the friend's wife. I can still hear the initial roar of blood in my ears as I listened. By the time she was done, I had realized what was really going on, but initially it knocked the wind out of me.

Try not to let this affect your relationship with your husband. That's all that she wants, for you both to suffer. When you feel that tinge of pain wandering into your thoughts, picture your husband looking at you (in that way only he looks at you) and let the pain slide away - you know the truth.

cloudySM's picture

I love the way he looks at me he looks at me with love and sincerity he looks at her like she just threw up on his jacket.

DaizyDuke's picture

I NEVER would have let my DH call BM and accuse her whether I was 100% sure if it was her or not! NEVER! a. if I WAS sure it was her, I would not give her the satisfaction of letting her know that it bothered me, or that I gave one ounce of thought to it. b. if I WASN'T positive it was her, I would not giver her the satisfaction of knowing my personal business.

Don't change your damn number... why should you have to do that?? Just block BM and all skid numbers and that random number and be done with them.

1989's picture

I am so sorry you have to deal with this shit! When my SD was 16 she flat out told me, face to face, that her Dad was trying to get back with her mother. That he was over their house all the time, trying to kiss her, and he called her daily. Later that day when I was with her and my DH (boyfriend at the time) i brought up our conversation. I told him word for word what she had told me earlier, and i did it right in front of her. She proceeds to deny ALL of it and starting saying that I was "psycho". Told her Dad that I must have mental problems because the conversation never happened. I have never wanted to fight anyone but that day I wanted to rip her head off lol! In the end I knew it was all lies and she made it all up. I have never trusted her to this day and sadly we don't get along. She is always trying to get us to fight etc. Ironic because the only thing we ever fight about is her.........

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I got a phone call once from some random woman claiming the same thing when FDH and I first started dating. The chick said that when FDH wasn't with me, he was with her, all the time. And that when I think he's spending time with SD, he's really with her. Which was stupid because at this point a) I was living with FDH so I saw him every day and b) when he was with SD, I was around because I was freakin' living with him.

At the time I thought it was the work of GUBM, immediately upon hearing the message. My gut said she had something to do with this. FDH didn't think it was because he thought she didn't have my number and, post-voicemail, there were emails sent from someone about the same kind of crap and then a few years later, post-PGH move, the emails started again. He thinks everything was from a now ex-friend of mine. I know the emails were from the ex-friend because that chick was ridiculously nuts and all of the initial emails came after I told her about the voicemail (which didn't piss me off but made me laugh because of the inaccuracy of all the allegations) - like the day after - and then the post-move emails came the day after I had last seen her (and these were less about accusing FDH of cheating and more trying to play into guilt I didn't have over "stealing SD's dad" - something I had talked with this chick about the day before because I knew, at the time, that GUBM was already trying to fill SD's head with those lies).

But I'm still convinced the voicemail was GUBM because of the timing - it was shortly after I met her, and I hadn't immediately decided to be BFFLs with her. And FDH's phone at the time was on GUBM's account, so she had access to his call records and could have easily figured out which number was mine. The real kicker, and what convinced me thoroughly that it was GUBM, was what happened six months after the voicemail, right after we moved into FDH's townhouse. One of GUBM's friends called FDH to see how he was and to see about a playdate between her crotch-dropping and SD. And her voice was the exact same one as the woman on the voicemail. But, I never let FDH talk to GUBM about it, because I didn't want her to even think that it bothered me, because it didn't. And if it did, I still wouldn't have let him talk to her about it. It's just another notch on the crazy post for GUBM in my mind. Then and now the voicemail makes me laugh, because, seriously, look at how much real estate GUBM has let me occupy in her mind, look at how much my lack of engaging with her has pissed her off. It's rather hilarious, even now.

cloudySM's picture

Wow. someone needs to turn that into a movie on LMN I would watch it. I'm sorry you have to deal with all of those crazy women.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Haha, I know, right? It's ridiculous! To have had to deal with two batshit crazy women at one time, and both hate me because I had the life they wanted. At least I have it knocked down to just one crazy woman - GUBM haha.

And I would totally watch that LMN movie, too hehe.

Azure's picture

"Golden Uterus Bio Mom" Golden Uterus is a syndrome - google it and be ready for your jaw to drop if you have a GUBM in your life! Wink

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

^^^ YUP! That's how our BM ended up being christened GUBM on this site. I read the article about Golden Uterus syndrome and almost every last trait that was described fit her so perfectly, it was like the author conducted a field study on our asshat GUBM.

cloudySM's picture

yes it did. the opening line. " Hi cloudySM you don't know me but you need to know the truth". When I replied asking them how they got my number and how they know my name. Nothing no reply. I'm no idiot. It was BM.

DaizyDuke's picture

Seriously! My MOM got a text message from someone that said "dude, you screwed me, the drugs were shit and I want you to do something about it" My mom (bless her heart) text back "oops sorry wrong number" the person persisted! Was like "no it's not, stop playing me, I'll get you" LMAO My mom called the State Police and they came and got all the info and hopefully caught the doofus. We laugh about it, but crazy stuff can happen!

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Gmail also lets you send SMS texts to people. I used it to talk with FDH one day when I had left my phone at home. He said the number was some Missouri number so he would have had no idea it was me if I didn't say "FDH, it's AtMC, I left my phone at home..."

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Yea, I found it in desperation the day I left my phone at home. I sought it out because FDH and I text regularly when we're both at work (when he works nights, we don't text when I'm at work cause he's usually sleeping).

omgsaveme's picture

Ha Ive had these same texts, emails, phone calls, everything the whole time DH and I have been together. I always figured it was one of his crazy exes, but recently I got a phone call from some guy saying he talked to me on a dating site, after some silly drama with SD, I think it was her.

I used to get people texting DHs phone from internet text app sites saying they were sleeping with him and blah blah. Now, we just laugh about it. If its SD or an ex whatever. Have fun wasting your time, trying to split us up cause its not going to work.

Just laugh it off and tell them to have fun. Losers, who has the time in the day to do stupid crap like this.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

>>>>The less of a reaction you show, the more it will bother HER not you.<<<<

YES! This! Even the shit that GUBM has done that bothers me, with one rare exception, I have not let her know that it bothers me. If it is bothersome, I would hash it out with FDH and he would not let her know. And we would never talk about it with SD in the house because I knew she was snooping on our private convos (because she would always just so happen to be "walking" right past whatever door we were behind talking - garage, our bedroom, basement, etc.) Drives GUBM even crazier to think that what she does doesn't really bother me hahaha.

omgsaveme's picture

theres an site called prank dial, you can spoof your number to come up as any number you want. You get 3 free ones, and then you can buy tokens or credits. I used to prank my friends lol, which is how i know. There are a ton out there like this.

farting_glitter's picture

I had the opposite happen to exH, back during the summer, had a convo on the phone with my DH and told him all kinds of crazy shit about me...exH told DH that he should hire a P.I. to follow me, that I was cheating on him, and that I had random guys walking me to my car when I leave work, etc etc.....

I have been split from my exH for 3 years and he STILL tries to bust up me and DH.... :sick:

hereiam's picture

I would either ignore or I would text back some smart ass response.

"Thank God he has someone else to screw. My legs are getting sore from being up in the air and my herpes has been acting up. Has he given it to you yet? Herpes, I mean?"

morethanibargainedfor's picture

I used to date a guy who was divorced and his crazy ex sent me a text that said something that implied that he was cheating on me with her and I replied with "What are you talking about? What did he do? Whatever it was it can't be worse then when he slept with me a week before your wedding". It wasn't true AT ALL, but it shut her up pretty quickly. Then I had all her friends texting me telling me how horrible it was for me to say something like that to her and it was so hurtful. It turned out that he really was cheating on me with her but that's a whole other blog site..hahaha