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Small issue, big big deal!!!!!

Cindy's picture

So yesterday was day 2 without the kids and things were plodding along nicely, I was relaxed and getting stuff done and cleaning up all the mess they left behind and then ..... SD rides the bus home to the bottom of our street but today unlike most other days biomom is waiting so I think - ok - this is good - or so I thought - not more than 2 hours later SD called and asked dad to bring her backpack to school the next morning cos she needed it (why couldn't she call for it after school, she has no problem calling any other day - he puts her on hold and asks me what to do - I know he knows already what I want him to do cos we just went through this last week and the week before and the week before that when SD fails to prepare for anything and expects dad to always bail her out regardless of the situation - so I tell him to have her mom and her call at our house the next morning i.e. today to collect the bag on the way to school - so SD gets whiney and can't understand why we are asking her to do this nor why dad just can't bring it to her. So we leave it that that's her only option - so I go look in the bag and there's nothing in it - one folder with nothing of substance in it - we wait until this morning and sure enough - the bag doesn't get picked up - I knew it wouldn't but then my husband says to me - I don't know why I can't bring it, what's the big deal? - like a red rag to a bull I lose patience with him and inform him that the reason why SD has no respect for him or me is because he doesn't know how to parent her in a way that teaches her to value the people around her and show respect - he thinks if he always does what she asks of him she'll know he loves her - well he doesn't always do what I ask of him but I know he loves me - I just don't get why he has this mental block, sometimes we have to discipline our kids in order to make them better and more socially acceptable people, giving in to insignificant demands doesn't teach anything and my SD is becoming more and more like his ex by the day so I don't see why he wants to condone her behaviour. It is a small issue but when it happens over and over and over it really is becoming a big deal with me - I'm fed up with her moodiness and her tantrums and her demands and I can't comprehend why my husband doesn't see where I'm coming from.


Sherrylyn's picture

Continue to nudge your man in the right direction, you're doing the right thing. Why can't the parents see that they are being played? Being a pushover won't get them any respect. I'm not even sure if it can be considered good parenting. Does that sound cold? I'm not here to be their friend. I have been solid in the discipline needed to raise children.

Today I got a compliment from a collegue of my husband about how I've done such a good job with the boys. She actually tried to compliment my husband and he differed the credit to me. It was nice to be credited for it.

happy mom's picture

I think the only reason this child is acting the way she is because she has poor guidance and her parents have no plans for discipling thins child. Don't blame the child, it's the biomom who doesn't teach her the importance of being prepared for school/mannerism. Father needs to teach this child too. I agree with you. I would be irritated too, did you try talking to the biomom?

Cindy's picture

Biomom and I do not get along and raising any issue is only met with rudeness and disrespect - oddly the same issues I have with my SD - I think you're right - I don't blame SD, I blame both parents and I truly do wonder how she's going to turn out as an adult because if I don't like being around her now at almost 14 what does the future hold? I think she has potential to become a well mannered child - unfortunately she seems, IMO for what it's worth to have only one adult disciplining her and that is me. Her dad tells me stories of how they thought all her misbehaviour was funny as a child and I do belive she carries it with her - they were both very young parents who probably didn't know better but they should now so why don't they? Sherrylyn that must make you feel so good to be complimented - I couldn't ever envisage that happening - the whole family treats her like a little princess so it's like fighting a 20 strong army. I'll keep trying though and stick to my principles and beliefs, if nothing else, no-one can say I'm not trying.

happy mom's picture

You're on the right track on trying to mold this child to be a better person but it's a big load for just you to handle by yourself. It's only going to be effective if all parents are on the same page to speed up the process. You might be more stressed out, you might end up shutting your ears at times. Good luck.

Cindy's picture

I'm already stressed out - after writing my last reply I discovered that SD had been to our house this afternoon after school to get the ever so important bag - the reason I discovered this was not because she poked her head round the corner and said hi but because when I went to put some cans in my recycling bin in the garage I tumbled over a bunch of clothes she'd thrown out of a bag on to our step. The purpose of this? I just don't know but I think most likely to piss me off for not bringing her the bag - I didn't mention that she had telephoned late in the morning and with attitude asked for me to bring it - I told her if it was so important have your teacher call me and confirm and I'll gladly bring it - of course nothing came of it. So tonight she has a dance at school and although it's biomom's night we're taking my SS to his baseball game and picking SD up from the dance because biomom is going out for the night and SD will babysit afterwards. Anyway she told her mom she had given her cell phone to a friend at school and she'd collect it later when she got to the dance and obviously we'd use it when we go to collect her but alas yet another lie, the phone is in the bag she left at my house when she took the backpack and made the mess. On the positive side when my husband got home and I told him her phone was here he finally saw sense and decided he'd confiscate the phone and even may possibly cancel the subscription and we agreed we're taking away a number of new outfits we just recently purchsed for her. I couldn't believe it when he finally agreed with me - I just hope he follows through - his new take on it is "what would Catherine's mom do in this situation?" Catherine being my SD's BFF who has life way tougher than my SD. I really hope he has finally come to his senses - we'll see how he reacts when we go to pick her up if he's gonna be true to his word or not.

Cindy's picture

So sure enough we pick her up and dad is soft as mush all over again - as it happened I had to pick her up cos the baseball game ran over so with no phone on her I had to go into the school and into the dance to fetch her - she's on a high from the fun she had which was nice to see but alas reprimanding her seems out of reach - I left the phone issue to her dad and tackled the clothes issue to which she replied that she absolutely didn't do it - when I tell her that it was clearly her and that we'd be talking about it again on Monday she couldn't care less - my husband mumbles something about the phone then gives it to her to use at her mom's over the weekend - go figure - so today i'm gardening and I find a bunch of soggy crackers in one of my pots - I know it was my SS and all my husband says is "if you keep reprimanding them they won't want to come here cos it's not fun". Well guess what - fun and rewards and treats come with following a few simple rules and displaying certain behaviours. I wish I could shake some sense into my husband - he's driving me nuts.

kimby79's picture

I feel like I am reading my own life story

Cindy's picture

I was just reading over some of my posts from a while back and the one above made me laugh so hard. I must be turning into a neurotic wreck because it seems my SS leaving some soggy crackers in a flower pot was enough that day to drive me over the edge. We've come a long way, he now digs holes in his bedroom wall and buries marbles in them and I didn't get as mad as I did that day. Am I turning soft or can a series of small irritating events such as the soggy crackers day push a stepmom over the edge? Too funny.

kimby79's picture

I deal with the same thing with my husband. I just don't get it!! He says "When you have your own children, you will do the same thing..." How the hell do you know??? No, I want my child to be responsible and self assured, not always relying on me to bail her out!!!

"inform him that the reason why SD has no respect for him or me is because he doesn't know how to parent her in a way that teaches her to value the people around her and show respect - he thinks if he always does what she asks of him she'll know he loves her - well he doesn't always do what I ask of him but I know he loves me - I just don't get why he has this mental block, sometimes we have to discipline our kids in order to make them better and more socially acceptable people, giving in to insignificant demands doesn't teach anything and my SD is becoming more and more like his ex by the day so I don't see why he wants to condone her behaviour."
You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

When you figure out what works, PLEASE tell me. I have had it up to my eyes....

sheila's picture

This all sounds so familiar I have to slap myself to make sure I am not hallucinating. I live with b/f and his 17 yr old daughter. She is a nightmare and he, like what you ladies mentioned above, is totally oblivious to what she is up to. I do not have kids of my own so frequently I hear "you don't have kids, so you don't understand" which sets me on fire. I have had kids in my life ALL my life and I may not be a bio parent but I am no dummy either. What I tell him is that "I may not be a parent and sometimes that puts me at a disadvantage. However, sometimes it is an ADvantage in that I can see things outside the box...the forest through the trees". He too does not discipline. He likes to THINK he does, but this girl walks all over him. His solution to her stealing my car was to buy her a car. She violates curfew, lies, gets a speeding ticket, cheats, steals, you name it, and she still is driving her own car. He threatens "what do I have to do, take the car away?" DUH>>>>>>>>> YES, that's what I'm thinking. But DO IT Dammit, stop threatening. I have heard this girl laughing on the phone with her friends that she never gets in trouble. That if "he grounds me, i just act pouty and he ungrounds me the next day". "WHen he is mad at me, he makes me clean my room, thats it" "It doesnt matter what I do to upset him, he never does anything"...Now, you tell me that this kid doesn't understand what she is doing. I realize that teens are a challange.....but this young lady is a master manipulater and it makes me crazy that he cannot and will not see it. SOmeone posted here that they don't discipline cuz then the kids will like the mom more. BINGO Someone also posted that if they discipline, the kids won't have fun. Its not always supposed to be fun. Someone else posted that if they discipline, the kids won't know they love them. HELLO...this is my life. He has almost even said these exact words to me. He hates it when she is "mad" at him so he spends the next several days "making it up to her". WHat the hell is he teaching her? That rules don't apply to her, that she can say and do whatever she wants, regardless of who it might hurt, that she is special in every way, shape, and form and above being held accountable. I see this being a HUGE issue when she evolves into adult life and enters the real world. SHe will not have a clue of how to survive. She wont be able to hold a job because she can't get along with anyone who criticizes her. She knows everything and cannot stand to be told a damn thing. EVERYONE is stupid to her. SHe knows absolutely NO boundaries and snoops through anything and everything because she thinks it's cute. SHe is so stuck on herself that she has very few friends that stick around for long. And the sad thing is, I don't see it changing. Her father, my b/f just wants her to grow up and move on. He has no idea the monster he has created and cannot see that she will probably be a problem for him all her life. She will always expect him to do everything for her and bail her ass out of any situation. He is a police officer in a huge city and when she got stopped for speeding, she tried to use that to get out of the ticket. Fortunately the officer told her tough cookies,,,she had no business driving like that at her age and he wrote her up. Her dad does everything for her. SHe has NO duties around the house, NONE. SHe does not even put her own dishes in the dishwasher. She leaves them for someone else. Get this,,,he even prepares her plate for her at meal time and she will sit on her lazy behind and wait until he does it. The refrigerator is 4 ft away from her and she wont even get herself a beverage. Even if the food is still out from dinner, she cant even muster up enough effort to put it on a plate and microwave it. Makes me sick!!! I can't figure out why he does all good thing. He is starting to see some of it since I have been able to get a few comments out here and there and has limited some of his behavior, but he still does nothing to her when she screws up. He is her best friends, not her father. He is not doing her any favors by treating her like a princess. in fact, he is teaching her to expect this treatment from the rest of the world. Ain't gonna happen.

Whew....i just vented...felt good. Thank you very much

Cindy's picture

Doesn't it make you feel so much better when you can write it down and just GET IT OUT of your system? My SD14 is well on her way to being just like yours if she's not already there. I will say we have had some success with her in certain areas but little or none in others - I feel the problem with my husband is a very big lack of consistency - he'll do one thing one week and something completely different the next - I'm very rigid with the stepkids - step out of line or break the rules and you lose your most treasured possessions be it clothes, toys, sleepovers etc. and I never falter on it, my problem is that I do not feel I should be chief disciplinarian - i'm not the biological parent - my husband's so afraid of upsetting SD he even talked about rescheduling Thanksgiving - I mean - come on - WTF? The SK's will be at BM's on Thanksgiving and we're due to host it at our house this year for all of our family, my SD made such a big deal of missing out even though she will be at a big Thanksgiving celebration at her mom's parents house that my husband seriously considered postponing Thanksgiving until they were home. I mean I understand how they would be upset but Thanksgiving only occurs one day in the year. My husband just doesn't think beyond SD's feelings and it makes me so frustrated that I have to step in and come up with a plan so simple it blew his mind - we're gonna have our closest family back to our house the day after Thanksgiving when the kids will be here - how difficult was that to come up with!!!!! I love him but what a chump!!!!