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Just Went OFF On DH

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

I'm fucking pissed. Like omg... Help me Jesus PISSED!

Yesterday we had a lot of running around to do. My five year old and 12 year old misbehaved. My 9 year old from previous marriage was good and respectful all day. So at dinner, I let my 9 year old have a Sprite for being so well behaved. I usually have them drink water. But at the grocery store he was the best behaved and only one that didn't request any special treats.

DH got upset because it wasn't FAIR that his five year old got water! -__- The SAME asshole that will buy only Judas treats for not getting in trouble at school but hey as long as it's HIS semen demons it's all good. No. Fuck that noise.

I don't parent like DH because - not a shitty parent.

So anyway. BS5 is pissy and says he won't eat unless he gets a Sprite too. I tell him too bad, I guess he's going to be a hungry boy because he wasn't getting a Sprite after making bad choices all day, maybe next time we will have a better day and make better choices.

Fair enough, right?

I get up this morning and see BS5 drinking a bottle of Sprite DH ran out to specifically buy for him because it wasn't FAIR my son got one.

Oh Hell No! GTFO. I exploded. I told him that I don't GAF what piss poor parents he and BM want to be to their offspring but I will be God DAMNED before I ever allow him to turn MY baby into one of THOSE selfish creatures!!!!!! Damned before I allow him to undermine how I discipline MY child. That's he's a shitty father, lousy parent and in DESPERATE need of parenting classes he's too dumb to know he needs!

God I was so pissed. Still am. This is about so much more than a Sprite.


ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Amen. This is also why our son has ZERO RESPECT for his father as opposed to me. As is evident in my last blog.

I told DH I do not believe in just GIVING children everything they want just because they want it! My children will make the right choices to earn what they would like. If they don't then there will be consequences - like having to "suffer" through not getting soda or whatever that those who do right get.

And I told him if he ever undermines me like that again then he will be doing our son a great disservice because then I will just ground BS5 for longer and throw away his stuff and as the primary care givers there's nothing DH can do about it but one way or another MY child will not be like his children. I won't let him ruin our son.

Ruby55's picture

Unbelievable. It's your DH son, not yours? If so tell him from now on you won't do anything for his kid since he's undermining you!

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

The 5 year old is our son together. That's why DH got upset it wasn't "FAIR" my 9 year old (not his son) got something the 5 year old didn't.

zerostepdrama's picture

What about your 12 year old who didnt get something either? He only cared about HIS son though, right?

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Yep! He bribed BS5 to eat his dinner that night by promising a Sprite later. Which pissed me off even more.

Though he did take her with him to the pet store to get crickets and look at the birds and reptiles Sunday.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Exactly! Very disrespectful. And I feel angry. This man doesn't know the first thing about parenting. Period.

All he knows is his father was very rigid and belted him so now he wants to be Mickey Fucking Mouse as a parent to be the opposite of his father. Well you can't raise the type of people society wants to be near wearing big black ears!

SecondGeneration's picture

Yeah I got angry for you too.
Hes an idiot, and worse hes continuously reinforcing to the 5 year old that hes a complete push over. Has he apologised yet or is he still feeling that you were being mean and cruel and showing favoritism by not giving the 5 year old sprite at dinner?

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

He keeps apologizing now and trying to kiss my butt. But I don't know that he really gets it.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Tog, SS12 wasn't there. He would have rewarded BOTH of them. It was my 12 year old. And she was mad today too. Another reason I got so angry because it wasn't right!

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

I told him, "The next time we go up and BS5 runs up and down the aisles and screams at you and then you're embarrassed? Remember this Sprite and that you are actively going behind my back to teach him to be THAT kid!"

WTF...REALLY's picture

He drove out, in the am to get his 5 year old son a sprite. Really????? Really?????

Father of creating epic brats of the year award goes to your DH!

Get him a parenting book asap. Please. One with pictures.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I would ask BS5 where the Sprite bottle is? Ask if he finished all of the soda? Have him take the bottle and put it in a Walmart bag to collect for recycling. Then have him go through every room in the house and RECYCLE bottles for everyone. Give him a chore that is based around the "reward" he should have never received.

And have DH go out and pull weeds or something. Or detail your car! }:) I HATE when this happens! My DH is a Disney Dad and he does this, too! Usually it's the SD "forgetting" that she had a school project until 3pm on a Sunday, for example. DH has already been to the grocery and Walmart, but when he gets back, suddenly SD needs posterboard or markers or something. It's not like SD was bad, but as much as these Skids are on their gadgets, F-ing text DH while he is out and ask for what you need! Then DH will say, "Oh I can go back and get it!" Right in front of the Skids! NO! We are NOT their damn servants and for your DH to go make a special trip to get a Sprite is twisting the knife in your back! HOW DARE HE! WHAT does he think he is teaching BS5? He is 5!!!! I am SO glad you went off on DH! What a dumbass!!!!!!1 Ugh they are EVERYWHERE, ears and ALL!!!!!!

~ Moon

Redredwine's picture

I like it, Moon. I think you're onto something. A little anti-Disney reinforcement.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Love it