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Skids and "mistakes" or "accidents"

checkedoutsm's picture

I don't think my skids know the meaning of the words mistake and accident. The things they consider mistakes seem to be very intentional, immoral, and sometimes criminal behaviors. Here are some things the skids consider "mistakes:"

1. Sleeping in urine soaked bedding instead of washing it and not telling anyone when they wet the bed
2. Hitting people, especially those younger than them
3. Using curse words and racial slurs
4. Robbing a 7 eleven at gun point (they didn't do this, they just think if you do it was an "accident")
5. Failing all your classes because you didn't do your homework ever
6. Having sex with random dudes in the school locker room for months
7. Beating the crap out of someone who irritates you
8. Not brushing their teeth for weeks and lying about it constantly
9. Lying about everything all the time

Honestly I don't see how someone could do any of these things and then when someone confronts them they say "I just made a mistake, why are you punishing me for making a mistake?"

DH said to me "Everyone makes mistakes, but having sex in the school with a boy you don't even like just because he asked you to? I am afraid that is not a mistake. That is who SD is."

So who else has examples of the outlandish things skids consider to be accidents or mistakes?


checkedoutsm's picture

SD spent the first 2 years of high school skipping class to have sex with guys in the locker room. Her sophomore year she got pregnant and now she is a teen mom. She isn't really embarrassed or remorseful about it though because "everyone makes mistakes."

bi's picture

i feel the same way. sd is the accident that resulted from the mistake of not wearing a condom. why couldn't they have had oral sex that day?

Ommy's picture

That is how kids turn out when they here growing up, she is only ___ years old, yes 2 turns into 3 turns into 4.....guilty dads when does it end??? oh when they get knocked up?

It is only a mistake if they learn from it and grow as a person.

My SD3 was hitting me in the face, for a while FDH said she made a mistake, until she started laughing and said "mommy said it was fun to hurt Ommy" Yea mistakes my ass.

lac925's picture

I-m so happy This is my sd8! She's gotten suspended from school twice now :? I never IN MY LIFE got sent to the principal's office, let alone get suspended! She can't even SAY "suspended" properly - she says it "aspended" :? :? :? And you wonder WHY she's getting "aspended"! I'm pretty sure she'll end up a teen mom with the way SHE's going. And don't even get me started on her 10-yr-old brother! He's 10 going on 2 :O