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When will she get over it

Chapis's picture

My husbands Ex was 16 when she got pregnant he was 18 she forced him to get married it only lasted 3 months on an off. Their doughter is 8 know but his ex still acts like a 16 year old... All she wants is My hubbys $$$ he doesnt get to see his doughter every week unless the Witch says ok with the condition the he buys shoes, clothes or something she get a big child support check and still wants more. We have one doughter of our own and another baby on the way, and she had the nerve to call my husband and tell him to not have any more kids!!!
Of course my husband told her that it was not her bussiness. she still wants to control what he does... She is CRAZY!!!! I know that she doesnt like the fact that we are VERY HAPPILY married But she was out of his life a very long time ago. I just wish she would leave my husband alone and coaperate with the visitation thing.


papergirl31128's picture

Just curiuos you have gotten his cs modify to consider yourself and the children? You might want to remind her that is what the cs is,clothes etc. I know it is not about the money - but some ex wives think they still have a say in their husbands new lives.
What does your court papers say about visitation- if it doesnt you might want to get that modified- if it does well start documenting everything ( I would anyway) who knows when you might need it-
write down everything from everytime he called to every visitation that was denied- if he gives her money or clothes outside of the cs it is considered a gift- but I would write that down too-
Good luck and hang in there!!! We are here for you.

Mandi's picture

Go back to court and try to have the cs modified to take in account your other children. Also, in some states, you are able to have the amount that you spend on clothing, shoes and other necessities for the child you are paying support for deducted from the support payments if you pay out of pocket, over and above what you are paying for support and keep the receipts and send them in to the court. The child support is supposed to be covering those expenses. You may want to check the laws in your state on that one.

Anne 8102's picture

To answer your question of when will she get over it. In the six years that I've been married to my DH, it has never gotten consistenly better. We have periods of calm, but never lasting peace. My advice? Get used to it. You'll find that easier to do if you keep coming here...! Smile

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Krissy's picture

Agreed. Get back to court ASAP to modify support if you have an existing order. Remind this woman that she CANNOT use anything, including money, to bargain for court-ordered visitation. If she refuses to comply with the custody order, she can be held in contempt. Do not fall for her threats. Some BBs (not BMs:) love to threaten and bribe and manipulate to get what they want but she doesn't get to be in control regardless of what she is telling you.

Good luck!