chantal's Blog
Why is brutal honesty wrong???
Whenever I am brutally honest, it gets me into trouble. I'm not sensative enough...or you can't say that, it's not'll hurt their feelings if you say that...blah blah blah! I am the type of person who voices my opinion, be it good or bad. If it's not perceived as "Positive" then, I shouldn't say it, is the consensous in my home. Why is being honest and expressing your feelings wrong??? Is hiding your feelings to save face right?
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Is housework done for "love" or "necessity?" Thoughts...please!
This was a discussion that occurred in my home yesterday. How many of you do housework because it is an act of your "love?" How many of you do it because it needs to be done and consider it your responsibility?
I'm sure most of you can relate to this question, and will probably side with most women who do the majority of the housework in the home. It's not that I mind doing the housework at times, but I really don't think I do it out of love. It's more a chore for me, and I don't consider chores a passion or a way to show love.
What to think...
I ran across a note on SD12 floor, so I read it. Well it was a page from her journal where she complained about things. A whole page was dedicated to me! You know, at first I got very angry and hurt about the things she said. I wasn't aware that she sees things so differently from how they really happened. Then I thought I'd better put this into perspective. We are talking about a child who will stop at nothing to get attention, whether it good or bad. She also manages to embellish the truth and twist it to her advantage.
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Who's A Bad Parent??? You decide.
Though shameful to admit, I look soooooo forward to the weekends that my SD's are gone. And I get irritated when the plans are changed, not to my advantage. I can admit that I need a break from them, it's normal. I need a break from my own kids at times as well.
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Why Can't She Be Nice...for once!
The "her" I'm referring to is my SD's BM...I mean BioBiaach. I get so put out by her always passing judgment with no merit, I could spit. You see she thinks her daughter's are perfect or at least when they visit her every other weekend, I should say. She doesn't have custody of them, if that tells you anything. Yeah I mean the woman is out there. When the girls visit, it is her goal to drill them on what has occurred in our home while they've been gone to the point of minute by minute play. This baffles me because, firstly I think....Why does she care?
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