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A Slightly Disappointing Christmas with SDs

CBCharlotte's picture

Well false alarm. Both girls came to me sheepishly tonight with 2 wrapped gifts. SD17 had SD14 put them in her suitcase and 14 forgot to put them under the tree. They got me a coffee body wash (even though I don’t drink coffee) and an awesome bert’s Bees set with hand lotion, body lotion, and chapstick (I’m a chapstick addict)

They also got their grandmother a calendar


We did our Christmas this morning (SSs got in last night, SDs the day before).

Yesterday I took SD17stb18, SD14, and MIL visiting from the UK to NYC for the day. My BIL works for Amtrak so we got there and back for free. We went to brunch with SD17's gf (she is gay) and her mom (they happened to be in NYC at the same time!). Then we saw the tree at Rockefeller, went to Molly's cupcakes (best cupcakery in the country), went to Myers of Keswick to stop up on British bangers and goodies, and shopping at Brandy Melville so they could spend the giftcards my mom got them.

Those of you who recall, my DH is unemployed and I am basically the sole breadwinner. I saved some $ this year and put a little on my credit card (that I'll pay off with my bonus) to give the kids and DH a good Christmas. The girls got basically everything they wanted. SD is 17, drives a car that WE bought (she pays us towards it) and works and makes her own $.

This morning we opened presents and they didn't get me a single thing. Not even a card. I was pretty disappointed. 2 years ago they got me a pretty necklace from my favorite store that they picked out themselves. Last year I got a mug and a book that their mom picked out. This year, nothing, not even a card. It's not about the money or the gift really, but the principle. For how much I do for them and DH, it was pretty disappointing.

I got DH a polo from them (which I'm making them pay me for). If I hadn't bought that, DH would have had nothing too. They got absolutely nothing for their little brothers. Their mom bought their grandmother (DH's mom) a tea towel. She was pretty upset, considering she just bought their mom a $50 spa gift card for her birthday. Overall I am pretty disappointed with how selfish and lazy they both are. They are old enough, at nearly 18 and 15, to do this on their own. SDstb18 got tons of thoughtful gifts for her girlfriend and her mother.

My stepsons, meanwhile, were so cute. They picked out the gifts and even wrapped them themselves. They got me this cute purse/wristlet that has reversible sequins, and also 2 pairs of fuzzy soft socks one of which is dogs! I love them.

SDs and I have a close relationship and I was just pretty bummed about their lack of care or thought


CBCharlotte's picture

They got a bunch of stuff for their mom. She likes to take baths/self spa days, so they got her a wooden tray that goes across the bath for wine or your book, a candle, a bath bomb, a face mask.

I texted them about the polo, they asked me to get it. I said "This is the polo your dad wanted for his bday and you didn't get. Do you want me to get it for Christmas? It's on sale" and told them what it would be each and they both said yes please and said they would pay me back

Indigo's picture

OMG-LMAO ... "A great improvement from the gold monkey head ring ..." Seriously, too funny.

BethAnne's picture

I would make sure your husband knows that you and his mom are upset. He should be the one reminding his kids to think of everyone and checking they have got them something appropriate and helping to provide opportunities for them to go shopping if they need it. I know the girls are teens but it seems they still need reminding.

I am sorry you got “forgotten” it is horible to have your own thoughtfulness go unreciprocated.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Both of those girls are old enough to understand that since dad is unemployed all support for the household is coming from you - and that includes paying for presents. They shouldn't have needed prompting, but DH should have made sure they thought of you at Christmas. Until he gets a job, I would cut back on funding any extras for them.
I'm sorry they were so thoughtless.

notasm3's picture

Just inform the older one that when she turns 18 there will be no more gifts as she obviously plays by the no presents for adults rule.

CBCharlotte's picture

Well false alarm. Both girls came to me sheepishly tonight with 2 wrapped gifts. SD17 had SD14 put them in her suitcase and 14 forgot to put them under the tree. They got me a coffee body wash (even though I don’t drink coffee) and an awesome bert’s Bees set with hand lotion, body lotion, and chapstick (I’m a chapstick addict)

They also got their grandmother a calendar.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

So glad it turned out this way - especially for the sake of the Grandmother.