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I am utterly disgusted

cassidysmom's picture

So SS5 is on anti-psychotic medications to "control" his violent behaviors ( that i must note were not present until BM gained custody and SS5 and SS7 were in her care). SS7 is sneaky, manipulative,liar, soon-to-be sociopath that oftentimes attempts to talk SS5 into things that he knows will get him in trouble. Nothing is EVER SS7's fault and normally if he is asked whether he did ABC or D he will blame SS5. He and SS5 are both habitual liars although I believe that the reason SS5 lies is because he is often set-up by his older brother and in an ill-fated attempt to stay out of trouble will lie to cover his butt.( I hate liars, IMO they are up their with thieves , rapists, and murderers). SS7 and his BM are VERY close he is her first born , blah blah blah I understand. BM married the man that she had an affair on my husband with and they now have two bio children together. One of which was conceived while she was still married to my husband. And BM's new husband also has a child from his previous marriage ( he cheated on his wife with BM too). So there are 5 children living in her home... I know that SS5 gets little to no attention from his mother, and I also know that if a child can not get positive attention they will take negative attention and act out, i.e., his behavioral issues that I feel have been induced by his mothers inability to parent effectively. I would also like to note that SS5 was an infant when his mother left. SS5 and I bonded early on, his BM stated on many occasions that she did NOT feel bonded to SS5.
But, now that they have not lived with us for over a year now, any life lessons that me and DH had instilled in them are no longer present. Skids have been at our house since 10/26/12 and will be here until 1/2/13. We have recently moved and I quit my job to come here because my husband got a good job. Meaning...I am stuck here with them while DH is working. I admittedly pushed him to take more time with his kids because I felt bad that the kids live clear across the country and he never sees them. I now regret my input in the matter , I am living a miserable existence and BS3 is picking up some of Skids less-than-savory behavior.I have put off working for their visit and as it stands have had 6 job offers but at this point am not in a position to take any of them. It pisses me off.
So SS5 wears a pull-up at night because he is so drugged up he can't rouse himself at night to wake up to use the bathroom.Fine.But please, when you do wake up don't leave the pull-up on for three hours and continue to urinate in it thereby making my house wreak of urine. Fucking Disgusting.( My BS3 wears a pull-up at night to avoid accidents,which he rarely has, but the second he awakes he removes the pull-up uses the toilet and puts on underwear.) SS7 pisses the bed and doesn't say anything just leaves all blankets and sheets on the bed and keeps urine soaked pajamas on until i smell it and flip the fuck out (this happened this morning). WHO DOES THAT? I often ask SS7 if he does ABC or D at his mother's house and he typically says no . SO WHY THE F ARE YOU DOING IT IN MINE? Mind you, when SS7 was living with us full time he pissed down the register in his bedroom and had me cleaning for 2 weeks trying to figure out where the smell was coming from after I had asked him repeatedly if he peed in his room he finally admitted that he peed down his vent. He was lucky my DH told me to leave and go cool off I was beyond angry.

So needless I am already fed up and it wasn't even lunch time yet. Me and DH had a convo last night, he was very understanding, but i told him after this visit,that in the future when the children come visit i will no longer be keeping them and he will have to have alternative care for them set up beforehand. Hubby seems pretty fed up too, and often states that the children are already ruined.I feel like just disengaging and when the holidays are over throwing in the towel.
I just don't know if its worth my time anymore to ever be a part of their lives again.


Purplemom's picture

WHY in the holy hell are you turning down job in this economy to babysit his kids? He needs to figure that out now so you can go back to work!

cassidysmom's picture

i agree. i posted about it on my previous blog. i am an RN so its not super hard for me to find work. i just hope there are availabilities in January. cant wait til they leave!!!!!