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Loser for life...........

cant win for losin's picture

I have the ex-husband from HELL! I share custody (eow) and I will go to my grave regretting that decision. Several years ago when I filed for divorce I honestly truly in my heart thought that I was doing the right thing by my children by sharing custody with their father. I mean, afterall doesn't a child (or children in my case) deserve to see their father just as much as their mother? NO! NOT in my case. He is not mentally or emotionally fit to be around as much as he is. In a nutshell, he is a PASing piece of shit. narcissistic, mentally and verbally abusive. I think you get the picture.

Then he gets his girlfriend. Whatever, I could care less, ya know? Be good to my kids and all will be fine. NO! She drinks from the same wacky koolaid drink he does, and she drinks his servings of koolaid. 99% of the time I just ignore ignore ignore. Any texts, any messages, anything. If it is NOT hurting my kids, I ignore it!

I am just soooo defeated. So deflated. I feel like I am a "loser for life" I truly do not care what these two think of me. They are so shallow, so ugly inside that they cannot see ANYTHING positive. Just every once in a while though, I become mentally exhausted at the fact that I can NEVER EVER do anything good. Anything right.

I know to these two I am the biggest piece of shit that walks this earth and do not deserve to breathe the same air as them. To them I am even a bigger piece of shit of a parent. Even if I do something right, or is still wrong.

My rant is over.