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BUTTERLY1982's picture

Where do you start.... little things that used to be "cute" now make me want to rip his head off... i am losing it fast... i am now sitting in the sitting room and he and dh are in the room (in MY bed) listening to music when i really want to curl up and get warm. (yeah, i know my fault...boundries... one advantage i can sit and write this..... Blum 3 )

this skid seriously needs to learn how NOT to get his own way... dh and him were playing Monopoly last night, dh lands on the street HE wants to buy... man, did we sulk about this after throwing a mini tantrum about how HE wanted the street and how HE was planing on buying it... i just kept chopping the onions..... He will insist on something even when dh and i have told him what the correct answer is or whatever... it almost seems that he will keep going until he gets the answer HE thinks it should be... he will NOT listen to anything dh and i say or explain... we have tried everything to get him to listen... nope... if he doesn't like it or it doesn't suit him... he just won't do it.... (i believe bm gave him his way and now he recons he can have it all the time...) he will create like a real drama queen if something isn't to his liking... example - mushrooms - he expects me to leave them out because he doesn't like them... guess what... i didn't.... :D. If dh asks him to do anything, then..."no, i am going out to play" or "i don't want to" ... dh has said straight next time he want's something or needs something, he will be busy ... give the little shit a taste of his own medicine.

I decided to get my own back (pity it backfired... but i will get it right) asked him to help me take the washing off the line last night... big sigh but ok....(big favor)i went out and got the first bundle (knowing full well he wouldn't follow)and come back to the house.. he was standing in front of the TV watching something... and asked me if there was more... i didn't answer and walked back out... he then only followed... i, in the mean time had only taken my and dh's clothes off and was fully intending on making him take his own off had he not come and helped me...

anyway... i am going to kick him out and am now going to bed... i will continue tomorrow with a few more interesting things...
