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Who knew the word time would affect my entire life so greatly....

time to go coach
time to go practice
time to get skids
time to get other skid
time to go to bed
time to get up
time to do this for that friend
time to do that for another friend
time to go to MIL
time to go to brothers

This is the never ending cycle of my life. Every night DH is at basketball practice till 11:30pm (yes that's the truth we live in a small town one gym... they got stuck with a practice time of 9pm at night and most of the kids on his team have no home life so they work one on one with them after practice)
Every week its atleast two basketball games.
Every weekend we either have his 2 skids from BM #1 or his skid from BM#2 Either way it's alot of driving in the car on friday then again on sunday (4hours)
Every weekend skids are here its up and out the door to MIL for the ENTIRE saturday............ yes the entire day.
Every weekend if we have no skids it's been a game OR you guessed it going to MIL house.

I feel like my entire life has been engulfed into somebody else's nightmare with BM's calling all the shots and a MIL who makes her own children feel guilty so they will come to her home every free moment they have. Don't get me wrong I love her. Love his family but some times I just want to sit on the couch and be lazy in my own home and wear my sweats and drink my coffee and just not do a damn thing OR heaven forbid do something with DH maybe have a conversation that isn't about BM. Lord I pray for that.
Since I have disengaged from her crazyness it has been nice. I do not know when she calls or what plans are being made. I do not have to stress over all the assnine things I was. I figure until she does her midnight texting and calling I will leave it alone.
For a while I was feeling as though I was going crazy. Literally needing some sort of meds to straighten myself out. My feelings were out of control. My anger was out the window and my tears were non stop. I hope to be strong enough to leave those things behind. And not give in.
And if strong enough means ending this relationship I pray that God walks me through that. Because I will need all the strength I can get.