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And the emails continue...

BSgoinon's picture

BM just can't get a frickin' clue. DH told her that he wouldn't respond to any more emails. He told her to stop asking to see SS on our days. She just won't stop. He told her Monday that he was done with the conversation.

She emails TUESDAY "I still don't have a phone. I miss SS". DH ignored her. A few hours later "I wanted to talk to you about seeing SS before Friday, even if it is for 15 minutes. I am sad because I haven't talked to him. And DH (she has this thing about typing DH's name out in the middle of a statement lately, it's kind of weird like she is making it a point that she is talking to HIM and not me... even though she is emailing HIS email address) anyway.... "And DH, I need to talk to you too". DH ignored.

Yesterday DH's phone rang from a random number. An obvious local landline. He didn't answer. We had just sat down for dinner, he wouldn't have answered either way though. She left a VM "I'm calling you from my friends house. I have been trying to get a hold of SS, can you please tell him to call me. And I need to talk to you DH, please call me back". Of course, DH didn't call. A few minutes later, he gets an email- "I have been trying to call SS for 2 days, and I just called you why can't I reach either of you? Can I pick SS up in the morning for a few hours? And DH, I need to speak with you". DH replied "I don't answer calls from random numbers, and neither does SS. He is a 12 year old boy, he won't answer random calls from random numbers. Although he hasn't mentioned that you have called him at all. And I haven't responded to your emails because I told you to stop emailing me and asking to see him on days that are not yours. I will respond regarding days that ARE yours. So, no, you can't pick him up tomorrow. You can pick him up at noon on Friday, what time will you be bringing him home?".

Then DH went and looked at SS's phone. She called from a random cell number Tuesday evening. He didn't answer. She text him "it's mom, call me back". SS replied "I will call you in the morning". He never called her. She tried calling him again, he didn't pick up. Yesterday, she called from the local landline, twice and left him VM's when he didn't answer. In all, she called 4 times and left 4 messages. SS has not even listened to her VM.

BM hasn't replied to the email regarding picking him up tomorrow at noon. She had previously said she was picking him up at 10am, but DH wants one of us to be there when she gets him. For 2 reasons. He doesn't want her anywhere near our house when we aren't there, and he wants to make sure she isn't loaded when she gets him. So, I'm sure she will be angry about that. Oh well.


BSgoinon's picture

Tell me about it. She has the nerve to get snippy when she can't reach MY HUSBAND? Screw that. We can't get a hold of her at all, she has NO PHONE and only checks her email when she is connected to someone else's wifi. So, who cares if you called and he didn't answer. He isn't your man. He doesn't have to.

BSgoinon's picture

Well his first excuse was valid, it was his busy travel season for work and he is NEVER home from October to January. She wasn't giving us any grief about him living with us full time so we weren't that concerned.

Now... it is his slow season. I'm not terribly sure WHAT his hold up is, other than he doesn't feel like going to court...? I wish I had a better answer. He is SUPER busy at work still with his new role in the company, but some things are just more important.

Oh, and we don't REALLY want to put SS through a court battle. BM will fight now that she is "living somewhere". But... It is probably time to buck up and do it.

Tuff Noogies's picture

he needs to just do it. her situation is not going to change. our judge didnt give a rat's ass that dumbass was "staying with a friend but gonna get an apartment soon" now that she had some cash from a "cleaning job earning 500/m". both of which were flat-out lies and the judge knew it. and guess what? more than 2 1/2 yrs later, her situation STILL has not changed.

your dh needs to bite the bullet and file. especially now that the kid's been with you guys for a couple of months and is stabilized, any judge would view that as the new status quo and they dont like changing things around on the kids unless there's a really really good reason. he also needs to go through CSE when support is ordered.

WalkOnBy's picture

yup - and I am betting that SS wont be dragged into a court battle. Your husband and BM will be the ones in court, not SS.

It's time - I hope your husband understands how important this is. Verbal agreements are great, until someone decided they no longer agree.....