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Trying to stay calm. Trying.

Bradymom's picture

For those of you that have been following. I had a stroke 1/16/14.

I would like to report great strides. I don't think there are any. I went away for most of the week to stay with wealthy family member in the snowy mountains to relax. My DH drove me here & they are bringing me home tomorrow. It's been nice. There's an indoor jacuzzi, fireplaces & massage therapist on call. I haven't had to do my hair or make up myself. I'm not eating much, but I've had whatever I have a taste for prepared. & any relative I've wanted to see brought in to visit. I've been spoiled.

I still am having bladder issues. And I can't have a bowel movement. I will be contacting my doctor tomorrow. It's becoming serious. Sad My hearing in the left ear I think is doing pretty good but one day it faded in & out terribly but I can definitely hear some. I have a blurry patch in my right eye where there is no vision. I'm trying not to stress out. But...

Here comes a very calm rant. Smile

I will number it to keep it calm & controlled.

1. In 42 days we have 3 court dates. First one is mine in 15 days.
2. My sister has shown no care.
3. SD9 was sent home with full blown lice bio mom didn't tell us. (We found out from friend that works at school) Um hello DH needed to clean our bedding, throw blankets, stuffed toys, etc too. So I instructed him to send text "D was sent home today. Is she sick?" bc we don't want to get friend in trouble for telling us. Bio mom says 3 hrs later she has lice, 4 others in class were sent home today too. Texted friend??? No. SD ONLY ONE!!! SUCH A LIAR BITCH!!! DH took everything to laundromat & got it all done & bagged up stuffed toys like website said to do. So happy I didn't have to deal with this. He's a good one! My ex would never have been capable.
Okay back to calm & controlled numbering...
4. My son sends me pic of his fingers, asking if they are frostbite. Then calls. He has to walk to bio dad's from school. (It's an acceptable distance) I tell him to take warm bath, fingers will be fine, yada yada... It was 13* Then ask why he didn't put his hands in his coat pockets. His dad donated his coat (that I bought him) to coats for kids, so he didn't have to pay $3 to get into the dance. :blink:blink: That's all I have to say about that. Well... Other than when I told DH about it he got into our snowmobile/snowboarding clothes tote & got out my sons coat & stapled a note to it "for .... from mom" & dropped it off at his school on his route. I didn't know he did that until my son called & asked how I did that when I was so far away. Smile I have a great husband. Smile
5. My insane FIL. The one who threw a gorilla tantrum & hit me with his hat in rage called my husband questioning how someone could have a stroke over JUST STRESS. what a fucking idiot. I had blood work & a full physical done 12/31 the stroke was 1/16. I'm a physicians dream as far as Lab work goes. There were NO WARNING SINGS. low heart rate. Low BP. Blood looked great. Late Tuesday family meeting about your crazy ass wife. You hit me with your hat like a baby. Scare the fuck out of me. I go into hysterics. 4am Thursday i get up, get in bath & I have a stroke. Go to ER. We didn't go to a naturopath. I went to ER. Followed up Monday with another dr. Followed up 2 more times. Because I was pissing my pants & couldn't hear out of my left ear. Do you understand now bastard? You are gunna fucking understand when you get the bill.
6. That's all. No more rant. Steps will be there tomorrow. Ugh. I pray no lice. I'm have DH check her before she comes In house. If they're there. She is going back to her nasty moms. Sad Sad. But what do you do?

Side note. I don't really think the numbering helped much. Heehee a Maybe next time I will rant in Pig Latin.


overworkedmom's picture

First, I am so glad that you have been able to do some of your recovery in a peaceful place. Second, you do have a great husband, that was really sweet of him.

As for the other A-holes in your life, OMG! I can't get over that your ex donated your BS's coat to save $3 on a school dance! Then eeewwwwww lice... Hopefully DH and SD have that situation handled before you get home! And as for FIL, bill the crap out of him, he is a piece of shit.

((((Hugs)))) try to focus on you and getting better. There is a long road ahead of you (which I know you know). Just remember that you are just as important as the rest of your family so you have to take care of yourself first! Especially right now!