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snooping on BM's myspace

bookgirl's picture

So I have no dignity when it comes to being a nosey internet stalker & I found BM's myspace page. It was awesome. She admits that she's a jobless single mom of three (omiting that her kids have different dads), talks about how she needs to lose weight, claims she's single (she's not), then lies about her age, claiming to be a year younger than she is. Then there's a picture of her & her boyfriend under which she's posted the caption, "whew! What a hot couple!" The thing is, BM's BF is at least 15 years older than her. It looks like they're father & daughter!! Lol, DH found me laughing until I cried. I think maybe BM is the village idiot. The next time I see her i'll ask where I can get tickets for the next father/daughter luncheon.


Rabon5's picture

Keep an eye on BM's myspace. I hope that you have a better situation then us. It sounds like you may - at least your BM is mostly honest. We were having to watch our BM myspace account. She gave out her address, pics of sons, place of herself. When our lawyer brought it up to a judge the judge make her take down all pics of boys and change some of her info so she was not giving exact directions to her. The judge saw that as careless child endangerment. Now, BM has myspace account blocked so that we cannot check it to make sure boys are not on there.

Purpleflower09's picture

HA! I've done that numerous times. I guess you and I have no dignity. LOL. We all do it.


cnd62107's picture

i've done it. lol. it makes me feel better to see her ugly ass pictures and her ugly ass new husband. like ha! bitch you gave up MY man for that? hahaha...i too have no dignity but i'm sure she's checked mine. i make sure to have plenty of pics of her daughter and i doing fun things and being happy. it kills her to see sd smile with me.

Storm76's picture

I've looked at BM's Facebook page - she's very much in the victim mentality - I'm a single parent, trying to get my degree, I have no money etc etc. Yeah, you're living in a 4 bed house that you're not paying for, ship your son off to us whenever you can, ignore him when he is at home & spend you're entire student loan in the first month, then phone us saying there's no food in the cupboard!

I see nothing wrong with this snooping either - if people put stuff on a public page, then they're inviting the world to come look at them!

hipster54's picture

Yeah I'm guilty of it to but just to keep tabs on her actions. Plus I have one, it's private but when you visit my page, it has the Status/Mood displayed and that's about it.

Well whenever she'd argue with BF, she'd bring up my statuses which in turn made me realize she visits my page everyday. I usually don't display TMI on my status but if I state "I'm annoyed beyond belief today" she in turn thinks I'm talking about her and will start shit talking on her status. It's so stupid. She also makes herself seem like the better person. I'm a single mom, I hate drama (yeah right)blah blah blah. Her statuses usually read: "Deadbeat dad stood up SD again, it's okay she has her new daddy". When in reality my BF didn't stand her up, rather we spent all afternoon trying to locate BM in order to pick her up. She takes off when it's BF turn to get her and turns off her cell or wont answer. Then she turns around and tells SD that her dad doesn't want to get her because he has a new family and a new house now. This makes for one angry and unpleasant girl when we have her.

I must admit. I made up a fake profile. I know, i used pics that come in photo frames when you buy them, the ones that aren't too obvious and I scanned them and uploaded pics of a male. I knew if I were a male and sent her a friend request that she'd approve because she's a slut. I printed all her blogs, which is a ton of lies just to get support from her friends and make my BF look like he's shit. I printed her stupid pictures where she's posing all stupid and provocative with just a little tank. Mind you she's fat. I printed the pics of her drunken escapades when she has SD on the weekend and she obviously leaves her at a babysitters. While we get shit on our weekends if we have my FMIL watch her so we can attend a wedding for 3 hours. I printed the comments she leaves on other peoples pages where she talks about me. I even printed her status updates.

All this for proof because BF has hired an attorney to take her to court for contempt. Because on his weekends, she goes missing, she doesn't follow the custody order so he wants it enforced.

2 days ago, I figured out that on myspace if your profile is private you can opt to just show a headline and hide your status which i did. My headline reads "don't air out your dirty laundry on myspace. It's in bad taste". lol.

So yeah we've all checked profiles, they're public, so whatever. I will go to whatever extent to protect mine and my BF's good name.

DISbelief's picture

Guilty... but not anymore. I have found that it just makes me even MORE angry with her. All she is doing on there is trying to get laid anyways. Makes me want to post on her page about her STD since she doesn't tell people before she sleeps with them. That is just WRONG.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink