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I'M FREE!!!!!!!!

Bluestme's picture

I moved out of my ex's home and into my new apartment on March 1st and I feel great. My meds are starting to kick in and therapy was been doing wonders. I'm not back to my usual self but better from how I was. 

A few tears were shed when I moved and gave my ex his keys back but it was for the best. I have no hard feelings towards him or SD. That chapter of my life is closed; time to march ahead. 


elkclan's picture

Congrats! But don't expect every day to feel like that. You've experienced a lot of loss - take care of yourself. But you are better off out and you will see that. 

CLove's picture

Im very happy for you  - I went back in time and re read your posts, and recall the absolute misery you were experiencing. Starting a new chapter, skid free - that is so awesome, considering what you went through. Now at least you know enough to stay away from Feral Skids and Enabling Bio Parents TM.