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Am I wrong to not want BM writing to me?

BlueberrysBaby's picture

I got an email from BM the other day thanking me for taking care of some business and for the great time SS 15 had at Christmas with me and the DH - she went on & on about how he still talks about it every day, blah blah blah.

But seeing her name in my inbox made my skin crawl! It may as well have said, "You've got mail! From: Satan, Lord of Darkness Re: Your Eternal Damnation Smile "

I responded with a very nice "you're welcome" message, but I felt like writing, "P.S. Don't ever sully my inbox with your skanky self again. And by the way, stop using MY last name!"


After 3 years of hassles and heartache from this woman's offspring and her continuing to call, email, and send pictures of herself to my husband (in the latest, she's flaunting her fad diet success - nice) I just don't want a disingenuous thanks and "wishing you both the best" from the old bag.

Am I making too much of this? Should I just go take a shower to get her smarm off me and move on? Next time can I ignore her and hope she'll get the hint? For you KNOW there will be a next time now that the floodgates have opened...

Blueberry's Baby

P.S. I got to hear my baby's heartbeat today - 180bpm - and even heard a couple kicks on the Doppler (sounded like "bloop!" - like a video game Biggrin ) I'm at 11 weeks, 4 days and for the first time, feel like we might actually make it to term! Please keep the Blueberry Muffin in your prayers!


laurels4u's picture

You know, they say that the higher the bpm, the more likely it's a girl. I just wish you a healthy, happy, safe pregnancy and delivery then a happy, healthy, safe life with your baby.

Regarding your other matter, I think a very simple verbal t.y. would've been sufficient. Droning on and on about it would've made me want to toss my cookies. It's nice she's appreciative, be glad that it was one time she didn't blast you guys, and just be. Like you said, there will be a next time and the next time she'll be mother f-ing you and/or DH because the skid said you didn't do what he wanted on your watch or he was ignored because the new baby is around.

If her emails stress you out, block her out of your mailbox and let her spam the hell out of DH's email.

All I'm asking for is some good old honesty served up fresh when I ask for it without the side order of hot tongue and cold shoulder!

Sasha's picture

You did the right thing though by being gracious and simply saying "you're welcome." Like Vickie said you always have the option to block her emails.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and the muffin.

littlegrlzx4's picture

Sure, she's being "nice" now but we all know that comes with a price. BM kept trying to send me stupid chain emails like I was one of her "friends" and would try to just get me involved in weekly update emails when the SD's went back and forth.

Hitting the delete button never felt so good.

"Email- what email? I never got anything." Wink

sarahbernheart's picture

and you are not obligated to respond to her whatsoever.
Whenever I see BM name on FH cell phone it makes me naseous..
thank god the kids have cell phones now cuz we rarely have to talk with her anymore.

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

Colorado Girl's picture

I would just continue to be polite.

Next time, respond with "I will forward this to DH and let him know....". That's what I do when BM calls me and tries to engage in conversations/arguments, I divert the phone call to DH. She FINALLY got the hint and no longer calls me.

Congrats on the happy heartbeat. I know that it's a given, but don't let BM polute your happiness and low stress level.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."