The weekend report :)
Ok. So SD17 thought she had the upper hand once again. And she did-for the moment.
On our way out of town, taking her shopping, she and I went into the restroom. I mentioned-for those of you who haven't read my post-that the only way I knew it was her in there was the matchy shoes (the ones that match H's). Then told her my friends laughed at them wearing matching shoes. So, we get in the pickup-she's in the backseat (bet that bothers her too-used to be her always in the front with Dad, SD14 in the back). Tells H my friends laughed about the shoes, her friends think its cool. H goes off on me for telling my friends. SD17 is smirking in the backseat-thinks she got off getting me in trouble. I drop it.
That was Friday. Sat. I studied. H had SD14 here. Didn't say much, do much with either of them. Sunday, SD14 still here. I study. Don't say much to either of them again. Finally, H asks me whats wrong? I look mad. I look sad. I wouldn't say anything to him about it. Until later Sunday afternoon. By now, I am almost to tears (thinking of the years ahead, with SD17 and her snottiness, H playing into it and daring to talk to me like I'm a child, and her feeding off of it). So I've got tears in my eyes, and just keep studying. H finally comes into the computer room, says-what is wrong? why are you so sad?
And I told him. I told him how I felt-how he thought it fine that SD17 told her friends about the damned shoes, so why would he be mad because I told mine (I know the answer, actually. He knows what he did was just wierd, and what people will think of that kind of shit).
But mostly I told him how she was smirking. He of course said she's not like that. I said yes, she is. And she hates me. And don't you ever yell at me in front of her again. He actually promised not to ever do that to me again....but still claimed she's "not like that".
Soooo, he took SD14 back to her bm's. And took some brisket he'd made, because SD17 wanted some.
Sd14 calls later, just to talk. He asked her how she liked the brisket. Seems she didn't get any. When she asked for some, SD17 told her "Dad gave it to ME!"...
So another clear view to H of how SD17 really, really is. He was pissed.
I made sure I praised SD14, told her how much I loved her. Made sure H knows what a great kid I think she is.
I'm rambling. I just feel good because I think maybe, just maybe, there's a point coming where H will no longer be able to lie, even to himself, about what SD17 really, really is.
- bewitched's blog
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has been spoiled her entire life.I feel sorry for your other sd that is cruel.He needs to put lil miss thang in her place and fast.Start treating you like his wife and not his child.To yell at you in front of her is like feeding hungry piranas.I would put him in his place for doing that.Actually that happened to me 2 nights ago my husband corrected me on something i did.I turned around and gave him the dirtiest look ever and i told him not very nice to never correct me on anything until i see him correcting his own children and he better watch his p's and q's.I told him i was an adult and his wife and to not ever correct me again!!!He apoligized 10 min later.
He will open his eyes one of these days to SD17s horrible behavior. I hope he does stop jumping on you in front of her that is so disrespectful to you and that just makes her feel like she has more power over you. I bet you wanted to smack that stupid smirk right off her face. Isn't it amazing that SD14 is still, from what you said, a nice kid.
He actually made an observation regarding SD17 & 14
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
He said - before the phone call when he learned that SD17 wouldn't let SD14 have any of the brisket-that they (his d's) were getting along better.
After the call, he said "I think they're not fighting as much because SD14 just gives in & lets SD17 have her way all the time."
My only response was-"That's so wrong".
And oh, yes, I wanted to smack her. That's what my dad would've done if any of us ever dared to act like that....
But my day will come. Sooner, if I find a job (if anything ever opens up). Later if it has to wait till I finish school. I'm afraid if it's later, it's going to be an explosion-from pent up vent up feelings of resentment.
Hang in there!
You can do this girl! And yes your day will come - you deserve nothing but the best!!!!! And you know it!!!!
It seems like H is already
It seems like H is already starting to see how his princess is. He needs a wake up call if he thinks a 17 year old should be acting like this.
I'm praying for the day that you get your independence from these leeches BW. Your day will come!
He'll never figure this out,
C'mon. You know this idiot will always baby and pamper her! Sorry to call him a idiot, I know he's your husband.......and I don't know him and even if I did shouldn't judge. But my gosh BW, how do you put up with it?
Please don't ever think he'll change or see the light, so to speak. He won't. He's made it quite clear she's the only girl for him.
Sick O