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Snapped infront of the Skids..

belle_27's picture

Our house has had MONTHS of tension between SD9 and me. Everyone in the family still treats her as a baby! and to i just see through it. she does the whole "im thirsty and hungry act" every 15mins.. she is 9! she is more then capable of getting her own drink and snack. At 9 years old i am very sure you understand your actions and would have everyone around your finger, she knows she can do this because it works and she gets away with it.

she is shy but everyone just accepts that and doesn’t try to get her more confidence or encourage her to even respond now, but ive been living there 2 years and have done NOTHING but put in 110% effort for her and trying to bond and if anyone has read my last posts they arent even interested, i would be happy if at least they hated me or had a reason but it hurts even more they dont even care enough to even form a opinion on me! These days i dont even get a Hello back when i walk in the door or answers to my questions.. So of course everyone pulls the "ohhh she is just the way she is" no actually, its a parenting and manners thing if someone speaks to you or asks you a question you reply! FDH and i have VERY different views on parenting but i am not asking for him to smack her but getting her to act appropriately when people are over is BASIC parenting 101!!! he wants them to develop there own ways and not be mean, so guilt parenting as usual.

so they came over yesterday for the day and going to go bowling and no reply back to my "hi guys.." and questions, and we are in the car driving to the bowling place i am there but no one actually acknowledges the fact i am, and SD goes "Oh Dad, does Belle do footy tipping?" and HE ANSWERS!! i am sitting in the car 1 foot away and she wont even act like i am there.

i just went PURPLE in the face, got to the bowling place and just months of tension i blew up!! i had a meltdown with FDH and left.... i went shopping but first after calling my sister and mum crying for 20mins, i picked myself up and had a lovely day shopping and spending up my credit card.

FDH thinks i take it much to personally and they ignore him all the time and he gets the same responses as what they give to me all the time, but he fails to see that he also gets the bond, the i love you dads.. all of that! to them im just some roommate to them they dont have to knowledge or even act i am there and thats just the way it is!

im just soo frustrated i know i am only in my 20's and still have some growing up to do but FDH is just not seeing the issue at all! i am just so hurt, i know i need to step up more and not bottle things up and wait for FDH to notice it, but then trying to say something without almost crying or not getting upset i am finding so tough

we have them tomorrow night and i just dont know how to flip a light switch and just make out it doesnt bother me and that i dont care! because hiding in my room for weeks on end with wine doesnt seem to be helping the situation!


snoopyinoz's picture

HO-LY crap! are you living in my house? J/K but really, I get the same thing from my SD 10 and DH if they are in the same room. No atknowledgement NOTHING. This kid will litterally walk past me to go find her dad, and ask him a question that he either 1) doesn't know the answer too and has to ask me or 2) ask him to ask me something. Drives me insane. I have tried talking, yelling, and just ignoring them,but what finally got through (kind of) was the fact that I wrote them a letter telling them exactly how I felt, and left it somewhere for them to find, and left for the day, ALONE

EyesOfaStranger's picture

O.M.G.!!!! My SD13 does the same thing.... Ask her dad a question about me when I'm Freakin sitting RIGHT THERE!!! only when she's pissed at me thou. And he doesn't think i should get offended. It's sooooo disrespectful!!!!! After this happened once And I blew up about it (to him) and he acted like it was no biggie I posted a question about it on Facebook, something like "is it rude for someone to ask someone else a question about u when you are standing right there??" (no names or anything..) and people went ballistic-- I got responded like "that's so rude!!!" and "I'd slap someone !".
I hate that!!! After that I started callin her on it! Totlaly pisses her off!
I feel your pain/ irritation!!!

shootingstarz's picture

FDH shouldn't be answering that question. He should be telling her to ask you. But I know you know that. And I'm sure that's what you went off on FDH about. If it were me I would have said something right then and there to SD. Called her out on it and made her cry! }:)