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BM Now Breaks into our House!!!

belle_27's picture

So after my friday blog of BM showing up to go nuts at my FH at his work place, over a mouth guard that she didnt even tell us SS needed..

SHE took the kids keys they have for our house, WENT INTO OUR HOUSE DURING THE DAY! and took all the kids school uniforms, sporting equipment and went through our washing and in our laundry! INCLUDING my stuff... we have no clue what personal items she went through or what she touched, or even how long she was there for!

she admitted she did it, so i was shocked and we went down to the police station to file a report againest this CRAZY LADY, but the useless cops said she had motive because they are her childern and they could of been items they needed.. it was friday so they didnt need school clothes and the sporting equipment was in the dryer to be dropped over that night! So they said if she didnt break anything that it wouldnt hold up in family court and they called her to give her a warning and thats it!

so we need to go back to settlement documents to put this in that she can not step foot into our house or she will be arrested... We changed out locks the next morning and the now the skids wont be getting keys now to even go into there own house because of there awful mother!

i went over to confront her but she wasnt home, which was lucky because i would of lost it.. so my friend helped me write this amazing email to her instead. which was so well worded and that everyone else in her life may be afraid of her but i can no problems in pressing charges if she touched my personal belongings or enters my house again! She called FH the next morning crying because of it and all nervous i was going to get the police onto her!

im just shocked, in the past 2 1/2 years this has never been a issue and we have respected not going into her property and the same for us... she has lost it after everything is finalized and she has no control anymore!


belle_27's picture

we spoke to the officers supervisor and he was just as useless! saying its a family court matter and we cant prove so went through anything, and that she could just be issued a warning but if we have order againest her then she could get arrested, but of course if FH went into her house because he is a male he could get arrested! even though its HIS house in his name still... just crap and even though i am not related to her i cant even press charges, but if i enter her house ill be arrested as well!!!

it's disgusting i was so angry, went and go new toothbrushes and changed all the bedding! as i have NO idea what she has touched or done.. feel so sick about it.

i went to go nuts when i saw her at the kids sporting events, which i am not allowed to attending but i dressed up and showed up to them all! and she hid behind the kids the whole time, i wasnt going to go nuts infront of them and they already know how crazy there mum is and they know how hard we try so i would rather them see me as that.

belle_27's picture

oh and the officer asked us to calm down about 6 times!!! as i was soooo angry some crazy lady can come into my home and go through all my things and get a warning!

belle_27's picture

it happened like 3 days ago and i am still in shock about it!!

yep the police just things its a domestic thing and couldnt give a crap.... she got a warning for breaking into our house and taking property of the kids which we paid for! and during the day went to FH work and abused him! but its so stupid in this day and age you need to have your own legal documents drawn up to say you arent allowed to come to my work and enter our house without our permission.. that sould already be in the law.

i knew she was a b*itch and cold hearted but i never ever thought she was this crazy

windee's picture

I know what you mean about BM being able to do anything and your DH not legally able to anything! I work with a man that has not been able to see his daughter for 2 years now. His wife cheated, got to house, child support, moved another man in to their house (that man was in prison for cooking, selling and using meth, guns etc). His exwife went onto HIS land and TOOK things that were NOT hers, admitted to it in front of the deputy and all they said was it's a civil matter. They cannot do a thing for him, go to a civil court matter. He got pissed and said ok then, I will go into her house then and take back MY $15,000 worth of tools! The deputy said tht if HE were to do that he would be arrested! Same thing as YOURS! Now his tools (from his dad and brother that are NOT alive any more are gone). And he is still geting screwed over $12,000 dollars later in lawyer fees and THEY too have done NOTHING to help him. He filed for himself on line that was supposed to be legal and within a certain time...........that time has come and gone and the court system hasn't even looked at his papers. And this is supposed to be legal! Good luck with your crazy BM!

Shaman29's picture

It's called breaking and entering and you can press charges. It does not matter that she obtained a key to your home through her children. She did not have your permission to enter your home when you were not present. I would go back and press charges. Family court my butt, this is not a civil matter but a legal one.

belle_27's picture

i live in australia so the laws are different, my brother in law is a police officer and he also said it sucks but unless you have a legal document saying she cant enter your house and she didnt break anything and its only childerns things she took they cant do jack all!! they can give her a warning and if she does it again then they can do something about it!

Shaman29's picture

I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you're in Australia. That really sucks!

Kes's picture

Belle - this is outrageous - however, you quite rightly had all the locks changed on your home. I would get new toothbrushes if I were you as I know in my imagination would be that cow cleaning the toilet with them!
However, she has ended up hurting her own children by her stupid actions, as now they cannot have a key to their own home - I would stick to this if I were you, do not relent and give them one. Maybe you could leave a spare key with a trusted neighbour in case they ever have to get in when you aren't there.

belle_27's picture

If it was a stranger, then yes you can press charges.. Buy because she is the kids mother the police said if the case went to court it wouldn't hold up, because she has motive to get the kids property!!! It's bullsh*t.... If she destroyed anything of mine then I can! But in Australia they say pretty much she shouldn't b allowed to and given her a warning but legally they can't do shit..

So everyone be warned! We now need it legally written up so if she does anything again we can take it further..

distorted reality's picture

^^^^ LIKE^^^^

And that's exactly what I would say when I marched my happy ass back to the police station along with lease/mortgage papers that show BM's name ABSENT from them. This IS a criminal matter and not a civil one. The local police just don't want to do their job. If they still won't do anything, go to the magistrate or the County DA personally. I would never let a psycho BM get away with that kind of CRAZY!


oneoffour's picture

As a NZer I am horrified that can happen. But it can work in your favour. In future ignore every attempt she makes to restrict you from being with her kids. Talk to the kids about the possibility of buying a dog to guard the house. A Rottie or pitbull. Tell them they do not get a key for a while because their mother took their key and used it to come into your home. She is not living there and had no right to do so. So if they crab on about not having their own key then they can look to their mother as the reason why. I have no problem with laying the blame at the feet of the blamee. It wasn't the kids fault she took the key and I wouldn't be blaming them. But they will be disadvantaged and it will be their mothers fault which won't make her so stellar in their eyes.

Everytime you see her, take out your phone and look at her then turn away and make it seem like you are talking to someone. When she pulls up, take a photo of the front of her car with the licence plate showing. Every. Single. time for about 6 weeks.

Time to mess with her head. After all, there is nothing wrong with taking a photo of HER car is there?

But I would LOVE to know the details of the email... lololol.

Although I wonder how a lawyer would see the situation????

queen-B's picture

Nothing constructive to add, just :jawdrop: Holy Sh!t!!! I'd be bouncing off the walls in rage!

herewegoagain's picture

:jawdrop: does not even begin to explain how I feel...I am so sorry for you...Those cops are pathetic!!! I am glad you changed all the locks. DO NOT give the skids any keys, do NOT let anyone talk you into it...make sure they don't take YOUR keys...heck, I would get a programmable fingerprint entry lock and not allow anyone but myself and my DH have access...crazy, crazy...I would have gone off on the pathetic cops too! geez...

These women are OUT OF CONTROL...this is outrageous! I would at least call her and tell her to F$E%#$%3 OFF and to not step in your house again...sigh

PS did your DH not file a report for harassment at his office?

housemaid's picture

Wow belle that is crazy stuff, but from what my experiences here (Aust) with the police and matters regarding child custody and ex's I am not surprised. I wish I was but the law here seems to protect them. I sure hope you are having a better week this week and that she is too scared to bring her sorry butt anywhere near your house. Did you spell it out to her that she is not to ever step on your property again. The kids will go meet her at the gate?? Good luck - big hugs