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I need to cover my eyes/ears and find a barf bag...

BellaMia's picture

DH and SS11 are going over definitions/words that he needs to know for an upcoming test. These are ALL things that he should already fucking no. But since his mother is a blathering idiot who let him babysit himself for 11 years, he doesn't know SHIT.

I'm irritated by his lack of interest in anything remotely intellectual. I'm irritated that he will say the WRONG fucking answer but DH will say, "Almost... it's actually..."

It's either right or wrong. And then I'm irritated that when he gets 1/20 right, he has the AUDACITY to get cocky about it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... And guess who has the joy of taking care of the darling tomorrow and Tuesday while DH travels for work. A-fucking-gain.

Bedtime and Wednesday cannot come soon enough. *reaching for my wine*


BellaMia's picture

LMAO!!! It's OK... Laugh away. Knowing you chuckled actually makes me feel better. Smile

As far as ME helping him goes, I cut that service a few weeks ago. I don't ask about homework, I don't volunteer to help, and I don't check bookbags, folders, assignments, etc... DH asked me on Thursday, "So... you're not EVER going to help him with his hw?!" I replied, "I will co-parent when I am allowed to co-parent at all times. Not when it is convenient for others." I then happily went back to making dinner. He said, "But I work long days, travel out of town, etc... What about those days?!" I said, "Not sure."

I'm DONE being a part-time nanny, driver, tutor and cook and a full-time jackass of a doormat. That ship has sailed, dear heart... }:)

BellaMia's picture

It's not that he's helping his son. It's that he continues to create an entitled brat. Telling your child he almost got it right when he absolutely did not is more hindrance than help.

Yes, there are times when I have to retreat, but sometimes one gets tired of living in the bedroom. Those are the moments when ST comes in handy for a nice, inane, immature vent...

twopines's picture

You're adorable to correct people's spelling.

Submitted by drivingmissdaisy on Sun, 06/05/2011 - 11:27am.

This is just so sick and disturbing on so many levels. I think all of you need to be slapped for all the cruel evil shit you post daily about your step-kids. Seriously. I really do hope you do have an anurism and hope your head explodes into a million itty bitty pieces.<<<<<