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And the countodown Begins...

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My SD23 has been given a deadline of November 1st to move out. Her dad finally talked to her about the chaos in the home since she's lived with us and told her it has to end. I am not sure I can survive another MONTH!!
Instead of trying to live in "peace and harmony" for the next few weeks- the tension and stress seems to be just as bad if not worse than before. My BF is already aware that I have looked at houses and I have the ability to move out if that is going to save my sanity. But He has begged me to stay- says he just needs to help her find a place in the next few weeks.

I have expressed to him that once she is gone- out on her own, I would hope time would heal some of these wounds. I just can't live under the same roof with her- especially the way things have been. Se is a typical Generation Y- no motivation- No plans for the future- watching too many reality TV shows- and believes that's how to live.

What makes me mad is her mom has an empty apartment in town. She still lives in VA and is planning to move back to town in the next six months. She got a place right next to SD25 and the grandbaby. She got this apartment cause it was cheaper than getting a hotel every time she comes to town. BF asked if she would let SD23 move in until she comes back permanently- bur she refuses. I just love how Exes can throw their two cents at you but never really offer a helpful solution. This plan would save the eX $$ because she is currently paying rent on 2 places- and it would give sd23 "practice" in saving and paying for rent for a few months.

I am working a 12 hour shift on Friday- while they have their little family pow-wow and go apartment hunting. I've tried to help him by looking thru classifieds and emailing potential places. I am hoping she finds something- and moves out ASAP!

just trying to save my sanity...


bbgf's picture


That's funny you called her SMELLY. My SD23 dresses like a princess- and lives like a pig. She doesn't clean up after herself. This is the 2nd time I've had to live with her- so This is my second battle with her. The first time ended badly too. Her and her bf lived with my BF in a condo (he was trying to sell his house during his divorce). When they got kicked out- their room was like something off the show hoarders. Not even joking. We refused to let her lock her bedroom door here- but she still manages to hoard dirty dishes and glasses for weeks- once a month she brings everything down and expects US to clean up her crusty dishes. This is where I've tried to prove a point and NOT do them. She likes to use up all the towels in the closet then she throws them all on the floor of the closet- usually after they have been in her room for weeks. And expects me to wash them. I've done the same thing- I wash my own- and my daughters and I leave hers. The problem is Daddy doesn't confront her about these things- he just cleans the dishes and washes the towels. So it makes me look like a crazy b*tch for NOT doing them- but we have taught her nothing.
She has settled in so much that she truly feels she is ENTITLED to live here and I should move out. Even tho she does nothing to help- financially or around the house.
And of course her mother likes to tell my bf everything he is doing wrong- but refuses to help out in any way. She acts just like the spoiled kids- spending her money on things she can't afford- then not having money to pay for "important" things. So she's not a role model at all, she pretends to be their "friend".