Why are women on this site signing up to be a free babysitter?!?!?!?
It seems now that it's summer, there are more and more posts about stay-at-home-step-moms. What the hell would EVER lead you to that life?!?!?
If my SO had his kids and he couldn't be home with them for some reason, you'd better believe he'd be finding a babysitter!! Never mind staying with them all day and all week... I don't watch these kids even for an hour!! They are HIS KIDS and I am not in this relationship for his kids at all. That visitation time is for him and his boys... that's what it's going to be!
My head is shaking as I type this. In disbelief that anyone would do that for their significant other yet come on here and vent about how much you hate them. It's an easy fix. Stop being the free babysitter.
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My DH and I have majority
My DH and I have majority custody. That's why I do it. I don't mind most of the time and I think my SD5 is actually a pretty good kid for the most part. I'm more of a mother-figure to her than her BM is. But this is a less common case I believe. Just thought I'd add my two cents.
I still need someplace to go to when I can't complain to DH about SD and this is it for me.
My situation is like this as
My situation is like this as well.
I don't get my skids anymore.
I don't get my skids anymore. However I married DH and when I married him I understood we are a family.
He wanted his kids, and we couldn't afford daycare. Seemed senseless to pay a sitter and pay child support.
I would do it all over again. I think it was good for DH to be a parent and for skids to know what it was like to be here.
I NEVER babysit SO's
I NEVER babysit SO's children. He had them for a month straight once and if he needed to go somewhere, he needed to find a babysitter. He doesn't have them fulltime so it makes this a lot easier. But I didn't sign up to be a free babysitter. I knew he had kids going into this relationship, and he knew I didn't want to parent kids so he accepts that. When he has them, then he is with them, simple as that. The only time Im alone with them is when he needs to take a shower, but the kids leave me alone..they know better.
We keep our finances separate, one of the reasons being that I do not want any of my money going towards babysitters or anything the skids need.
BM has them fulltime, and her SO is home this entire month but he still has her take the skids to daycare because he refuses to babysit them as well. If she needs to go out, she has to get a babysitter because he refuses to watch them.
I guess he and I both have the same attitude about the skids..they are not our kids, so we take no responsibility for them. I don't contribute financially either. I am nice to them and thats it. Even if he gets them fulltime one day (God forbid), then I will NEVER EVER babysit them. Like a poster above said, I have a life, I have hobbies, I never wanted kids, I have better things to do. And they don't include watching/ parenting someone elses kids..even if said kids are my SO's. I love him, but I do not love his kids.
SDs 5 and 7 are in camp. DF
SDs 5 and 7 are in camp. DF assumed they would stay home with me since I don't work during the summer..
I love DF and try to help him as much as I can. So I HELPED him find a summer camp that he could afford. Places like the Boys and Girls clubs, Salvation Army,churches and community youth groups have cheap\free full day summer camp. The trips are even free.
If DF were single he would have to find a sitter while he's working. That shouldn't change because he's in a relationship.
But the people venting the
But the people venting the loudest are SMs who do not want to be stuck with their SKs all day. They should be able to say no, find a sitter or camp.
Dh has sole legal and
Dh has sole legal and physical custody. BM is not involved. We've raised ss8 together for 6 years with mostly no BM involvement. Our family functions like an intact nuclear family. Babysitters (grandparents) are for date nights. I enjoy spending time with ss8 - who is in camp while dh and i work. I dont know how anyone could survive being home alone with small children every day of the summer, all day, that would be very frustrating.
SD is in camp. I am home with
SD is in camp. I am home with our son, but she isn't my responsibility so she goes to camp. I am ok babysitting for short periods or picking her up if dh can't do it, but he asks (doesn't assume), he makes sure to thank me profusely, and he takes me out for a nice dinner when she goes back to her mother every other Friday!