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Auteur's picture

Two Years Ago Yesterday. . .

The Homecooked Meal that was the "final straw" in the PASout:

Prince Hygiene made the deadly mistake of turning up his nose at tonight's dinner, even after GG cooked him his special kid friendly meal last night.

"I don't like meatloaf"

This comment was ignored by the both of us. I made the meatloaf as "kid friendly" as possible too, hardly any spices other than a bit of salt and pepper; i minced the tiny amount of onions into miniscule amounts.

Prince Hygiene: "EWWWWWWW!" as he stuck his tongue out and made yucky faces at the dinner.
Me: "Prince Hygiene, please don't do that; it's very rude"
Prince Hygiene gave me another "drop dead bitch" look.

Then after I told him to try the dinner, he held it in his mouth, made more faces (reminiscent of VD; I told GG so that Prince Hygiene looked EXACTLY like VD when making the "yucky" faces) then he spit it out.

GG: "That's it! You're not coming over for the rest of the month! We work too hard to put food on the table and for you to make faces."

GG called the Behemoth who was out with the clan probably eating chicken fingers or hot dogs.

So he made Prince Hygiene clean up his room (it was a total disaster since the Prince Hygiene came over and pulled out every toy he had)

I'll give a blow by blow on Monday; it was a non stop "I'm bored" fest by Prince Hygiene. GG pulled out all the stops, including giving him his own hot tub, playing ball with him, playing pc games with him, etc. etc. Nothing was good enough as the very jaded Prince Hygiene went to websites looking up "toys he wants for x-mas" Basically it was "i want, i want, i want, i want, i want" all weekend long.

Hopefully this respite from the uber spoiled Prince Hygiene will be a long one (like VD and Brainiac; over a year now and holding!)

GG also said he is not going to have the Behemoth throw her weight around and call CPS on him for "forcing" Prince Hygiene to eat a healthy homemade meal.

WAY TO GO GG!!!!!!!!!!!


Auteur's picture

There WERE moments, Vick. Like earlier this year when GG went ballistic on me (got physical as well) b/c I was emailing a STalker and he said I was "talking about his kids and beeeaaauuuuuuuutiful wife (Behemoth)" and "how DARE I" blah blah.

He then suddenly had the drive to reunite; first with his oldest (Brainiac SS stb 15) who basically told him to "kiss off" and that he was going to be the next "Angus Young" so he didn't have to study. . .

He saw him hanging out in front of a seedy bar this summer. . .nice

And then there was the supposed reunion with VD (SD stb 13) who stood him up THREE TIMES at the counselor's office. . .

Seems VD didn't want to talk about her "high F" average. . .go figure.

TryingSoHard's picture


Auteur's picture

All three are as vile as they come, Kes. They have never been taught ANYTHING. Totally FERAL!!

Now you can see why I"m not so overjoyed to have them back!!

PH actually CRAPPED ON PURPOSE all around my house and on my furniture at the age of almost seven b/c he wasn't getting his way.

VD is going to be a felon. Seriously. When she was coming, she was a voracious liar, animal torturer, totally precocious sexually, cheated on any and all games we tried to play, and I caught her going through the contents of my purse and her father's wallet at the ripe old age of nine. Her excuse? "She thought we were sleeping."

I have the most hope for Brainiac. At least they *tried* to parent him when he was young.

Kes's picture

Dear Lord! If either of my SD's had done the crapping thing, I would have personally gone over to BM's house and done a steaming pile on her daughter's bed myself.

bearcub25's picture

I think that was one of the first posts I read when I joined ST. It was so cool to know others had to deal with undisciplined, disgusting little monsters. I mean that in a good way;)