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Auteur's picture

as of today. It has been eight very long years to the day when GG walked over my threshold to stay.

And of course he brought along all the guilty daddy baggage to go with it along with a ferocious CPS worker PASinator extraordinaire BM, The "Behemoth" and her entire "clan."

They set out on a mission to brainwash the three children against us from day one.

I could see this IMMEDIATELY but GG, unfortunately would NOT accept this. He would NOT accept the fact that he was the target of a scorched earth policy on the part of the BM and her clan and NOT an "amicable divorce" (as he had so desperately tried to convince himself thereof)

He turned his sites on me as though I was the enemy. He projected all the rath, all the rage against ME for trying to advise him the best way to approach things.

Summation: I do NOT recommend this life to AnYoNe, EVER!

When a man with kids comes a-knockin' at your door, just say "NO!!!"


Auteur's picture


I stop mentioning this date two years ago. Three years ago I was met with a "meh" so it must mean that GG regretted leaving his previously enjoyed "family."

So far, GG has been acting civilized so I'm going to leave sleeping dogs lie.

Kes's picture

How uncanny! I moved into DH's place the 3rd week of July 2003 - cannot remember the exact date. He also claimed that his separation was "amicable". Yeah right. About as amicable as the Nuremburg trials.