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AustMum's Blog


AustMum's picture

My FDH is FINALLY filling the divorce papers today! So in about a month and a half he will be officially divorced! And I will no longer be with a 'married' man... Well at least until he marries me Blum 3Biggrin so so happy it's finally happening!

Losing her manners

AustMum's picture

Did any of your skids / bios skip terrible two but turn feral @ 4?!
SD4 has always been pretty good with her manners, pleases, thank yous, covering her mouth when she coughed etc but now she seems to always need reminding! Shes begun snatching things and yesterday she slapped her cousin in the face! She's an only child and I'm nervous she's starting to become spoilt... I really dislike it when she is rude to people as it reflects back to me wether I like it or not! Is this just a stage?? :?

Probably sound naive...

AustMum's picture

Just as I'm from Australia and our systems are different. I'm interested in how CS amounts are worked out where you live? What CS is 'supposed' to cover? Do you BMs have to get jobs? What is alimony?(as far as I know we don't have that in Australia at all) & how is it worked out? Do CS change for you partners if you have children?

Last name

AustMum's picture

So FDH have been discussing my future last name... As we are planning our wedding... I really want to take on his BUT I do NOT want to have to share my future last name with his ex wife - who says she's never changing it. I have to share too much shit with her already and I don't think that she should be allowed to keep it. If I was her and was divorced I couldn't wait to get rid of my exs name!

Last name

AustMum's picture

So FDH have been discussing my future last name... As we are planning our wedding... I really want to take on his BUT I do NOT want to have to share my future last name with his ex wife - who says she's never changing it. I have to share too much shit with her already and I don't think that she should be allowed to keep it. If I was her and was divorced I couldn't wait to get rid of my exs name!

Just having a sook! Sorry

AustMum's picture

So I kind of broke down the other morning to FDH...
I told FDH that I wish he had come with a warning sticker... you know like one that said "WARNING... you THINK its going to be ok, you may even know its going to be hard at time but its really really tough, heartbreaking, frustrating, sad and sometimes lonely being with me"