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Xmas Gift Bull; or, SD's happiness is the only happiness that matters.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

So, SO and I had a lovely (ha) conversation this week about Xmas/Bday gifts for SD. He wants to get her a gift for both that we really can't afford, but, he whined and moaned about it until I just threw up my hands and gave in. Because, honestly, I was tired of hearing about how I just have a problem with him spending money on his daughter and how HE wants to get this for HIS daughter. Ugh, stop beating that horse. It's dead. Get over it. I will never have a problem with you spending money that WE HAVE on your kid, but I do have a problem with spending money we DO NOT have. And, yes, I know she's YOUR kid, SO because if she was MY kid she sure as hell wouldn't be the overly entitled princess that she turned out to be.

He's seriously got to set up his own private bank account for the money from his side job NOW so he can knock this nonsense off. At least then in the future I can say "take it out of your account because it can't come from the joint account". But, since all of his cash goes into the joint account, it's an issue that needs to be discussed (read: SO plots to get his way and then gets all miffed when I say we really can't afford to buy SD an Xbox for Christmas if we're to travel to NJ and buy gifts for other people, too). But, anyway, big surprise. He gets his way because he's an ass if he doesn't get to buy what he wants for the princess and I get stuck footing the bill for the rest of Christmas because I'm wise and have my own private bank account for my own money (and, truthfully, because I'm lucky that my grandparents were financially sound and left me money when they passed away this year).

But, the thing that really got me irked in all of this? He got miffed at me when I told him that I was going to use MY money to fix MY car. Quick back story: My grandmother bought me a brand new car in 2011 as a graduation present. SO dented the front left fender less than a month after I purchased it and promised to fix it. It never got fixed. Last May, SO dented and scratched up the right rear passenger door and promised to fix it. I'm still waiting for that one, too.

So, rather than wait any longer, because it seems that anytime we might have money to fix my car SO finds something that HE has to do with the money, I told him that I was going to use my own money and fix it myself. And he flipped. He got all offended and nasty about it. Well, sorry, SO, but, since you're not making any headway on fixing it for me, I'm just going to do it myself. I'm tired of waiting around for you to fix the things you say you're going to fix or do the things you say you're going to do. You're more than willing to screw US over financially so you can buy precious princess pants the gift of her dreams, but, you can't be bothered to keep your promises to me.

And he acted like this was a completely foreign concept, too, when I told him. I told him that I had a huge problem with his willingness to make OUR lives more difficult to make HER life momentarily happier and to forgo promises made to me for such extensive periods of time. It's like it never even occurred to him. All I know is that SO better be prepared to work through this when we get a new couples counselor because this is a HUGE point of contention for me. He says all the time that he just wants everyone to be happy, but, what he really winds up demonstrating through his actions is that he just wants SD to be happy.


bi's picture

please dont spend any of your inheritance on his daughter, no matter how much bitching he does. and hide your keys from him, he's worse than a show off teenager!

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Not a single cent of my money (inheritance or income) goes towards SD, hence why I have my own private bank account. She's not my kid so I have no financial obligation towards her. I'll use my money to buy Christmas gifts for the family members who don't behave like jerks towards me haha.

The car is definitely a point of contention for him. He was not thrilled that my grandmother wanted to buy me a brand new car and wasn't OK with buying me a used car and giving us the rest of the money to move to PGH (because he failed to save any money for the move). I respected her reasoning, she wanted me to have a reliable car to drive to and from NJ for visits. He didn't see it that way. And anytime I say I don't want him using my car, he pitches a fit. Anytime I complain about the way he drives my car, he pitches a fit. Anytime I offer to drive, he gets offended. Guess that's another talking point for couples counseling because he really needs to get over the fact that I am allowed to not allow him to drive MY car. Or maybe I should send him to his personal counselor with a note haha.

bi's picture

so he doesn't agree with her reasoning for buying you a new car. tough shit. she doesn't need his permission or approval to do something for HER granddaughter. you should tell him that she wanted to do something for HER granddaughter, the same way he acts about spending money on his brat. }:)

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Haha, good point! I didn't make that connection, but, you're totally right!

Only difference is neither I nor my grandmother had a hissy fit over anything haha.

AwesomeGal's picture

You have hit on something that I took a long time to figure out: Men don't understand concepts as well as they understand actions. You could talk about fairness, doing the right thing, fixing your car....He heard blah, blah, blah. But the second you said you would do X and Y and then Z would follow, he woke up. You're going to use your own money to fix it yourself?!? Whoa. Like that's the first he ever heard of it. :? It annoys the crap out of me when my DH acts that, I am really sexist. LOL

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

He hates not feeling "needed". But one day he's going to have to realize that I don't "need" him, I want to be with him. And hopefully that won't shatter his world.

red flags's picture

I feel your pain! Stay strong! I thought being a lawyer was a thankless job... Until I became a stepmom! Lmfao (bc it takes too much effort to cry)

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

At least laughing burns calories!

I don't think there's a more thankless job than being a stepparent. But if anyone can prove me wrong, feel free and I will thank my lucky stars!