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Deactivated and Focused...

AtMyWitsEndNY's picture

Well my boyfriend continues to give me the silent treatment despite the numerous text messages I've sent him.

Our 16 month old son spiked a fever yesterday afternoon and I wound up at the doctor's office with him in the evening. I texted my boyfriend to let him know, purely just to see if he'd respond. He did respond to it saying "drop him off to me and I'll take care of him and drop him off to you in the AM". I said "No, my son is sick. I want him home with me. I'm not dragging him out, and have him dragged back home in the AM. I do not parent that way." His ex-wife makes him keep the children on Sunday nights every other weekend. He lives an hour away from their home. So in order to be at work on-time, the kids have to wake up at 5am and hop in the car to head home. To me, that's abusive. How are you going to make a 5 & 7 year old do that when they could be home in bed getting 3 additional hours of sleep before their school day? Awful... Anyway...

After I told him my piece, I sent him a text asking him if he's done with the reltionship. He didn't respond. I did however take note of the fact that he was VERY active on Facebook. Posting and commenting and liking other posts by people. He took our picture down, although his relationship status said he was still in a relationship with me. I know this sounds very childish of me to be obsessing over social media but... It consumed me. I was up all night looking to see what he was doing on FB, I've spent ALL morning here at work looking to see what he's doing...finally, I decided this is unhealthy and I deactivated my page.

I have an appointment today to see a therapist for the first time...

I'm going to join the gym. I'm going cut the sad sh!t out. Focus on being a parent. File for child support.


DaizyDuke's picture

Good for you!!! Don't let Mr. Passive Agressive treat you like this. You deserve better and your kids deserve better. Please stay strong though, I can see the writing on the wall here. Once you stop caring about his childish games, and ESPECIALLY once you file for CS, Mr. Passive Agressive will be your new best friend and wanting to reconcile for sure. Only you know the right road to take on that one, try to stay strong and know that we are here to listen!

misSTEP's picture

Mr. Passive Aggressive, for sure!!

Definitely not someone you want to stay with longterm.

princessmofo's picture

I still say you bag up his sh*t and throw it on the corner in trash bags. Take a picture of it and text it to him. Bet that gets a response. Tell him your cutting the garbage out of you life and by that, you mean him! }:)

Brady_Bunch_plus_some's picture

You need to stop with the text messages immediately. You look desperate. And he loves that because he has you right were he wants you. Now you are telling him you're SORRY?!

Knock it off and stand up for yourself!

He's playing you. Read what you wrote again. Move on, file for child support and BE DONE! Your kids need you to focus on them, not the idiot that isn't taking care of them.