Upcoming trip & Skid visit with BM
Here we are a little over 2 weeks until our trip to Florida. I am finding myself dreading having to meet the woman who has been such a massive pain in my ass without having ever even spoken to her. I hate her with every fiber of my being and it is getting worse as each day passes.
Last year, after I was the one talking with the Skids, helping them be OK with their trip by talking to them continuously and answering questions and calming concerns. BM then made an attempt to PAS them. She only had 6 days so she did a lot of work in a short amount of time. She lied to my SO about me, claiming the Skids told her all sorts of bogus stories (when confronted in front of both parents SD made her BM look like a complete fool by calling her out on her fibatiousness). She tried to hit on my SO at the airport (SO’s drop off to BM) and hotel (SO getting Skids 6 days later from BM) & tried to tell him “oh, Anywho is NO ONE, I am your love, your children’s mother, how can you resist-I’m the only one that can make you happy”…he simply said “uhhhh…NO, are you crazy??” and made sure he had Skids between him & her for the rest of the encounter…yes, he told me about it later & NO, she will not have that opportunity again.
BM hasn’t bothered to call the Skids since April…wants to pick them up Monday at noon and drop them off Friday at 5pm…ah the joys of motherhood!
To make matters worse, Skids aren’t excited about Disney AT ALL! When asked by SO about why they don’t seem to care, SD7 said “But daddy, we’ll get to see lizards with mom!” and SS8 said “Don’t forget about the library!” Ah well…how to feel, what to do, how to react…I guess I’m just overwhelmed by it all at the moment and it seems to be getting worse.
Wish me luck!
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I would go somewhere to aviod
I would go somewhere to aviod contact.
But if you do meet keep in mind she is just a person, a woman like you. No one that has anything over you, treat her as if you would anyone else for the first.
No reason to be nasty or extra kind.
I got to handed to them crazy
I got to handed to them crazy Ex-wives. To be someones big pain in the ass without actually having any contact with that someone what so ever is a true f&@#king gift!! Is it a good one? No...lmao Pathetic!
If it makes you feel any better you are NOT alone when it comes to dealing with a pain-in-the-ass-ex-wife. Go to Trip and TRY to enjoy yourself. Drink a freaking margarita(s)! You deserve it for all that you do and put up with!! Cheers!
Oh Foxie...the Skids are in
Oh Foxie...the Skids are in library summer reading club...so they are there ALL the time & love it...lizards they see all the time so I'm not sure what the big to do is...which is why I'm kinda stumped...we thought DISNEY would trump, but apparently not :jawdrop: UGH Kids! LOL
Honestly, I know that they will pull the same crap with her as they do with us because that's just what they do but it still sucks!
BM did brag to the Skids about getting "RIO" from the library & watching it at home so my honey took them to the movies to see it HAHA! He's getting good about these things.
Yes, admitting that she has
Yes, admitting that she has affected my life without my even having met or spoken to her really chaps my hide, but saying she hasn't would be lying.
My SO is fine with me staying away or in the hotel or coming down and seeing the Skids off...so he's supportive either way. These feelings of agitation and anger are bugging me though...wish I could just let it all go but I'm having such a hard time doing that.
If I do chose to meet this piece of nasty, I have decided I will be monotone, much like if I was meeting a slug as I know being ugly will do harm to the Skids and being nice is not humanly possible for me where she is concerned.
I may have to go to Starbucks during the hand off and let the chips fall where they may once the Skids return from their visit with it. Just having a hard time deciding which to do really. She's the type that thinks that if I'm NOT there, that I'm scared of her or something weird like that. She's gone so far as to tell MY SO that I am more than welcome to come down when she picks up the Skids...eww! He of course informed her that I do not need her permission and that I will show my face if I so chose.
I am looking forward to 4.5 Skid free days with my honey though
Oh deffintitly be there! she
Oh deffintitly be there!
she says that (youre more than welcome to come) to intimidate you! And she LOVES when u don't show cause then she can obviously flirt with your man. I would so be there!! Just cause it's gonna piss her off that she had "lost some control"!!! Let us know what happens..
I agree with Eyes...GO!
I agree with Eyes...GO! Assert your claim. Dress up, look amazing, make HER uncomfortable for a change. Whatever it is that your DH loves about you play up. If its your personality show it....wherever she lacks (making her the ex) and you have going for you (making you his choice) make sure she sees/hears loud and clear! Make her uncomfortable and self conscious for a change!