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What do these guilty parents expect? A spin off Porcelain's blog

Anon2009's picture

So many of these kids got put on a pedestal and as a result, are really, really screwed up individuals. I don't think any of their parents did what they did with evil intentions but what did they expect? Not that they shouldn't be upset, but what did they expect when he was doing all this poor parenting? These kids are screaming for help. (Note: I just copied some of that from my response to Porcelain). The kids do need to be held accountable, and so do their parents.

I think these kids are screaming for help. While they know what they're doing is incorrect, they can't fix it on their own. So I am kind of happy for these kids when they get arrested- happy because now, MAYBE they'll get the help they so desperately need. They'll now catch a lot of heat if they disrespect an officer/guard in juvie, or anyone while there. They'll get routine. They wont' be able to call the shots in juvie. They'll be forced to abide by rules. They'll be forced to take classes and get professional counseling and help via the programs available there.

So I'm happy for Porcelain's SD. Maybe jail/juvie will help her more than her own parents did. And more of these kids need to be in a place like juvie (or juvie itself).


Anne Boleyn's picture

I agree. I tried to explain to FDH that SD12 is going to be hell on wheels in a few years. He just doesn't see how he can prevent it.

noidea1010's picture


luchay's picture

double ditto.

OH prefers to be an ostrich and continue to believe that sd(stb)13 is an innocent little angel, despite LOTS of evidence to the contrary.

The worst is that we will ALL have to suffer through at minimum her nightmare teenage years, at worst the drama for the rest of all of our freaking lives if he doesn't wake up and smell the coffee.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yep, agreed. Stepdevil14 has never been held accountable for ANYTHING and continues to lie and manipulate people to get attention, affection or her way. Until she suffers serious consequences and is forced to undergo some sort of punishment for her actions, she'll just continue getting worse.

porcelian-doll's picture

who ever said my DH was a guilty parent? I am happy as well that SD may get this wake up call.

Anon2009's picture

I guess what I am trying to ask is, was he ever? He's not now, but what was he like with SD parenting-wise in the past?

porcelian-doll's picture

I don't think he was ever guilty. He doesn't let her act up at our house with out getting punished. He doesn't worship at her feet either. I think this has to do with BM trying to be her friend rather than her mother.

luchay's picture

OMG - yet again I love you dtzy!

I am printing that off for OH to read (at some point LOL)

He is just like your DH I think - he has this need to be seen as a good person, and his kids are an extension of that - to admit they are less than is failing in his eyes. And while he isn't exactly what I would call a "guilty" dad he does carry feelings of being seen as less that that "good person" he has always identified as - because he LEFT his family, because BM has told everyone under the sun how he deserted them, all sorts of lies and crap - but he feels that people are judging him on that ALL the time.