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"Mini wife" behavior

Anon2009's picture

What qualifies as mini wife behavior and what does not?

Spooning dad, showing your boobs to dad, etc, I get how that's mini wife behavior. But I think so many dads have let it go on for so long that they're sick. Anyone who lets that stuff happen is sick.

I don't think it's mini wife behavior to want to do stuff with your parents individually once in awhile. Or to not want stepparents around. My SDs each spend time on their own with their dad, and they spend time with other people. Same with me. My dad and I go to political events together sometimes. Neither my dh not my stepmother are interested in politics. Sometimes we get lunch somewhere.


Shaman29's picture

For me it wasn't how skid was being the mini-wife but how H was treating her like a mini-wife. He was the one that created the tug of war.

Skid would back down if I asserted my place as "wife" in the household. It was H that would step up and move her in as an equal adult. Rather than the kid in the house.

The mini-wife tug of war wasn't between skid and me. It was between H and me.

StepLady's picture

From what I have seen on this page the Mini would be the one that rejects SM, that manipulates dad, that rivals other's for dad's attention and wants to be treated as an equal or spouse. It does sounds weird and creepy to me for sure!

luchay's picture

Yes, it's not about sexual stuff - although that is one way they try to "compete" Now I know people will say that is blaming the child etc - my thoughts are more that the child knows in many ways what she wants - SM/dad's GF gone and daddy back to herself, and she uses whatever tactics and maniupulations she can to achieve that goal - there is no sexual intent - she doesn't want THAT - but she knows that dad and SM have that and is trying to show dad that she "mini-wife daughter" is enough for him. And to show SM that she is NOT required. So the overtly sexual aspects of mini-wife behaviour are not about wanting a sexual relationship but about trying to compete.

It's way more than that though - it's everything everyone has mentioned - it's about power and control of the home, and of her dad.

So, it's about pushing the SM aside, trying to keep dad's affection and time all to herself, sitting in the front seat of the car (mine tried this ONCE! LOL) It's about trying to run the show here - she wants to be in charge of all the decisions.

Keepsmiling's picture

My ysd was a minni wife. Her mom died and so she thought she was in charge of the household. When I came on the scene (and I was not his first relationship) she really got competitive. I remember thinking it won't be too bad; she is 19. Oh was I wrong.

Keepsmiling's picture

My ysd was a minni wife. Her mom died and so she thought she was in charge of the household. When I came on the scene (and I was not his first relationship) she really got competitive. I remember thinking it won't be too bad; she is 19. Oh was I wrong.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

My SDstb19 acts all high and mighty and tries to say I can't tell her what to do. This is on rare occasion however, because no one wants to deal with her. I have to keep reminding her on these special occasions that she is not the adult and she is not in charge. I hope she moves the hell out, but that will never happen. She is too needy and has no social skills. Either that or I'm hiding the Hershey's syrup that she keeps getting all over the fridge door. Some wife huh?

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

^^This totally. I've experienced this crap. FDh has really been putting his foot down but it's still an uphill battle.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Yup completely inappropriate. My SD6 tries to follow FDH into the bathroom and is utterly demanding. He does shoo her out though. He can't go get the mail w/o her at his tail.

SecondPlace007's picture

Uh oh
Yup yup
BF actuall brought SD on our second date
Her mom left when she was 4 & he was divorced 6 years
I walk behind them, she'll slow her pace down or speed up
Slept in bed till I moved in but got "sick" every night
& at our first vacation at second home threw a tantrum hissy fit he wasn't going to sleep with her..
His mother was their I think that's the only reason she didn't & I swear right now their there I bet cuddling it up happy to be rid of me
My 13 year old said mom, when u go to bed she comes out & sits in your chair snuggles with him just like you.. It's kinda creepy like she want to make out with him
When Princess finds out I'm moving out tho & she's got DADYYYYYY all to herself oh brother!
Her moms on her 2cd DUI & never sees her, won't spent a penny on her
And I've been picking up the slack happily I might add
also covering SD ass ex: clean litter box clean room so dad won't get mad also I'm happy taxi, shopper, her friends love me.. Drive her to dance. With not a thanks well so long StepMonster!
Also u want him you got him but don't think your new crush Anthony in 7th grade will be texting cause Daddy's lil Princess is going back to being his 1 And Only! I won't be here

katielee's picture

Here is a list I wrote a few months ago on my blog, A Little Stepmama Drama. (The list in my book is a little more comprehensive and explained in more detail.) I wish you all the best. Dealing with a Mini-Wife is pretty hellacious.

~ Usually involves a female child of divorce who has made to feel entitled to the sole attention and resources of her guilt-ridden father.

~ Made worse if the father has been single for a long period of time, during which the child became accustomed to the sole attention of her father.

~ Is inordinately affectionate with her father.

~ Has expectations that she will be the center of her father's attention or she will punish him by pouting, whining, or ignoring him.

~ New female in the father's life tends to feel "left out," "awkward," or "intrusive" when going out with the father and his mini-wife.

~ Mini-wife will try to compete with stepmother.

~ Mini-wife will feel less like his child and more like "the other woman" in the stepmother's mind.

~ Mini-wife will insist on sitting and walking next to her father at all times.

~ Mini-wife can become inordinately obsessed with her father, calling several times a day or becoming overly needy.

~ Mini-wife may insist on private dates with dad.

~ Mini-wife dwells on the past and wants to talk about times with her dad before her stepmother came into the relationship.

~Mini-wife tattles to her dad on her stepmother.

~Mini-wife tries to circumvent her stepmom's authority by going "over her head" to daddyyyy.

~Mini-wife tends to act and talk "babyish" when around her dad.

~Mini-wife blames everything bad in her life on her stepmother.

SecondPlace007's picture

Ugh the When can we have Daddy Daughter Date Night??
Of course if Miss Big Ears hears us mention going anywhere
Isn't that rude to invite yourself dear?
I'm finally starting to believe its not me
Thank you I'm actually in tears right now

stepmonster_85's picture

God this is crazy, I never signed up for this shit, really. This is sick, I'm so pissed right now for putting myself in a situation like this with a man who allowed his kid to cut his balls off a long time ago.