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Jenny McCarthy vs. Terry Crews on fatherhood

Anon2009's picture

They recently got into a vocal discussion about fathers and mothers:

It was an interesting discussion. I side with Terry and Sherri. Both mom and dad each have unique things they bring to the table. And dads are very much needed in their kids lives. Studies show that kids with dads involved in their lives are less likely to become criminals, and have really severe issues in their lives.

What really piqued my attention was when Jenny said she's a single mother. Which is, in a way, true. But I'm sure she's got people helping her. Hopefully she's allowing her ex to be one of them.


herewegoagain's picture

Ah, this crap about single mothers makes me all sick. Come on. I have lived at least a year without DH because of moves, etc. and no, he didn't support me or OUR son at the time, so yes, I did it all…and he really doesn't do shit around…it was much easier than taking care of a kid and a husband…they are all full of it...

Gabriels Mom's picture

I think every situation is unique. I think if I had to I could raise my son on my own I could do it and provide my son with everything he needs. I also think that a man could raise a child on his own and give the child everything they need. I also think it's nice to have someone to share the task of child rearing.

moeilijk's picture

I think people are ridiculous to put some kind of pride into being a single parent. It's a fact, not a claim to fame.

One of my family member's is a miner and is gone half the year. While he's gone, his wife is a single parent. Sure, there's some money and some phone calls and an end in sight, but she's taking care of business.

Ofc someone will claim, oh, 6 months? THAT'S not being a single parent, I know from my own university of true life, because I did it longer, harder and uphill both ways.

It's hard for a single parent who's doing it for 6 months or 6 years. Temporary or not. With family/community support or not.

Hell, it's hard for a married parent!