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I love Simon Cowell. I think that if more people were like him the world would be a better place and less people would need this

Anon2009's picture

site. So many parents give their kids false hope and encouragement to believe that they're talented at something they really are horrible at (like singing). And he has told some of these parents the truth about their kids.

He also does not take crap from anyone. In this link, this girl Rachel gave everyone an attitude. He gave it right back to her and threw her out of the audition room. She claimed she was better than Madonna. Maybe she is someone's SD!

He also has said things that I agree with:

He also does lots of work with animal rescue shelters Smile


purpledaisies's picture

U agree if my kid wasn't that great at something I told them they need more practice. I didn't squash them I just told them they need more practice. That way they know they aren't the best and if they really want it they have to work for it. But yep I agree with Simon

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

LOL. I love it when he tells them the truth too!

I also LOL when I think of these entitled kids, who think they shit roses and that the sun sets and falls around them enter the work place and find out the World isn't fair and not everyone gets a trophy.

5 stars Anon2009! Biggrin

Anon2009's picture

Thank you Smile

It doesn't just happen in stepfamilies though. It also happens in intact ones. Some of the parents who stormed in there to confront her were married to the contestant's other parent.

I think these people do their kids a huge disservice.