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I just want to pull many of your DHs'/FDHs'/SOs' heads out of the sand so bad

Anon2009's picture

because it so obvious their kids have problems and these kids are getting so screwed up because these guys have their heads in the sand, refuse to acknowledge that their kids have issues and refuse to get them help. They are so setting their kids up for failure in the future.


Disneyfan's picture

What about a slight shake to the women who allow this to happen?

And a not so slight shake to the women who make excuses for the men and place all the blame on BM and the SKs?

Justshootme's picture

Really?! I raised 2 BDs to adulthood and both are successfully employed, the youngest is finishing college and the older is engaged. Do you really think I "let" my SDs run wild? I can't say a thing because "they are my kids and I have the final say" is the response I get for trying to provide structure and rules.

Believe me. I never make excuses for my DH. I know he's part of the problem. When 10 and 12 year olds can't wake up and make their own breakfast (mine could pour a bowl of cereal by age 8), then the fault definitely needs to be placed squarely on both parents!