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Honor thy father and mother-10 Commandments

Anon2009's picture

But nothing is said about stepmothers. So where does that leave us?

Does that mean that one way to honor the father is to treat his wife (SM) respectfully (that's what I think)? Where do we fit in this?


Anne Boleyn's picture

I definitely think a child is honoring his/her parent by acting respectfully towards his/her chosen partner.

emotionaly beat up's picture

If a child honoured his parents, he would respect their life choices. Not necessarily like them, but accept that their parent is a grown man or woman and has made the choice to remarry. In honouring their parents and respecting the right of their parent to make that choice, they would never insult, isolate, ignore or be verbally, let alone physically abuse to the parents spouse. That would or should be enough for the new spouse, to be treated as a human being in a well mannered and polite way. To be accepted as the spouse of their parent, is at least acceptance. When children go out f their way to create division in the lives of their parents and new spouses, that is hardly honouring they father and thy mother. That is honouring thyself and trying to get everything your own way.