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Did anyone see this 48 Hours episode called "Ambushed" about a child custody dispute?

Anon2009's picture

It was really scary- the bio dad was killed by the stepdad and the BM and her dad were also involved. The bio dad was 24 Sad

The stepdad, Michael Wolfe, adopted the child involved just months after he killed the boy's dad.

The bm's dad is dead (hopefully in he11).

The bm plead guilty to being an accessory. Many people, me included, think she was way more involved than that. Add to that the fact that she now lives in her dad's house and she worked at the Walmart constructed right above where the bio dads remains were found. This Walmart was built after the murder. I think that she was an active participant in the bio dads death and is brazen and sociopathic to the core.

I was angry that she got no prison time in her sentence.