Draft letter to FDH related to birthdays, boundaries, etc
I am taking a lot of your advice. What do you think?
We need to talk about this birthday situation. I woke up this morning and could not fall back to sleep because I am so upset about this. I am sick to my stomach.
I sent you a very long email two days ago talking about how you have serious boundary issues with BM and are allowing your entanglement with her to intrude into our lives and cause major issues in our relationship. This has been an ongoing issue and it never seems to get much better. I explained rather clearly to you that I was not going to tolerate being put in second position any more. I meant that. You came home and we never discussed it as if the email had never been sent. Now, as a result, we are sitting her in the exact same position with recent discussions over SD’s birthday.
I have been dreading the beginning of “birthday season” because it’s yet another opening for BM to try to cross boundaries and for you to let her. I can’t tell you how devaluing it is to sit where I do when this happens. The first year we were together, BM had all birthday celebrations at her home and I was blatantly excluded. Last year, the birthdays fell on our time with the kids and I feel we were very generous to invite her into OUR home to allow her to celebrate with her kid on the day of each birthday. Most women wouldn’t dream of allowing her man’s ex wife into her house at all. But I did to be nice.
I didn’t say much but I was incredibly uncomfortable with how those joint parties played out. Despite my specifically asking you to do otherwise, each party ended up being planned by you and your ex-wife. Instead of being asked to be a guest in our home, you allowed her to jointly run the show with you, pushing me to the background in my own home. You planned together what you would make for dinner. You jointly decided on cake. She even got up and started helping you cook in MY kitchen one time. She freely roamed our house like she had a right to go wherever she pleased in our home. (Most guests do not go in bedrooms and take strolls around your house investigating it unless invited to do so). And on one occasion, you two got so comfortable in our kitchen that you decided to have a stroll down memory lane, right in front of me. It was humiliating. I was doing my best to be accommodating. I wanted the birthdays to be nice for the kids. I wanted to get along with BM. So I allowed myself to be overrun and completely disrespected by both of you in my own home. It’s rather sickening to think about.
Of course, I was hoping that this year would be different. But it’s already started.
BM doesn’t want to spend her Saturday driving SD all over the state so she asked you to split it with her. That had nothing to do with SD and everything to do with BM’s desires. Instead of putting her in her place and drawing clear boundaries, you lied to her and told her you’d be out of town.
The boundary forming answer should have been along the lines of “BM-- that is your weekend with the children. We do not do favors for one another on our free weekends as you’ve established. It is Anne’s birthday celebration that day and I will be spending it with her. She and I will get SD a gift together and will celebrate with her on her on X date which happens to be our weekend”. End of story. That would send the following clear messages that I think you need to digest as well:
1- My role is important and my needs matter and are equal to everyone else’s and above hers.
2- She is grossly overstepping by asking you to do her a favor on her weekend. These requests will no longer be entertained for even a moment
3- She doesn’t dictate how birthdays and holidays will be celebrated
4- She doesn’t have a say in matters in our home and on our time.
5-If she needs help, she needs to call BF
6-Joint gifts now come from you and me. If she wants to do joint gifts, she needs to talk to her BF.
7-You two are no longer a couple. We are.
There should be no negotiations or discussions with her on these key points. She simply has no place trying to run our lives. Likewise, you have no business worrying about her needs (printing, boxes, lawn equipment, job advice, etc…). Those things should have ended when you decided to get divorced. This “one big happy family” crap is just that, crap. You are not one big happy family anymore. Period. If you wanted that, you should have kept your marriage together. Now, you live with me and she is in a serious relationship with another man with whom she is about to live. The kids have two separate households. They need to be co-parented but that does not mean what you two seem to think it does. It does not require emotional enmeshment, boundary crossing and certainly should never interfere with your primary love relationships with your significant others.
I am sick and tired of you allowing her to come before me. That woman has zero boundaries with you and you let her. Time and time again, you allow her to drive a wedge in our relationship. She’s doing it right now and you aren’t stopping her. I simply can’t take it anymore, FDH. It’s killing me and will end up killing our relationship altogether if this doesn’t stop in its tracks!
I was considering the idea of inviting her, BF and his kids over for dinner and a cake for SD’s birthday. But it’s quite obvious that you two wouldn’t know a boundary if it was marked with yellow warning tape, so I don’t feel comfortable with that at all now. I don’t feel like I need to open myself up for another evening of humiliation, disrespect and pain. Can’t do it. If you won’t look out for me, I will.
Perhaps, one day, when you are able to stand up to her, stop allowing her manipulation and power struggle to interfere in our lives and put our relationship ahead of her, we can discuss trying the whole “joint” event thing again. But for now, she has no place in my home.
We signed a new lease and are moving into a new home in a few short days. I would like to start that new phase of our lives without all of this BM/FDH boundary busting interfering at every step of the way. We need to start a new chapter and your EX wife must be put in her rightful place if you want to continue having a serious relationship with me. I am over this crap.
I need to know that things will change quickly and that you are actively addressing this major issue. I can honestly tell you that no amount of love and affection for you will allow me to brush this to the side and be treated like this. It has to be fixed or our lives cannot move forward together. This is serious.
- Anne Boleyn's blog
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I completely agree with this.
I completely agree with this. You owe her no explanation. You have been too accomodating. Your FDH should be ashamed that he has put you in this situation in the first place.
I would like to ask though, why, if you live together, do you communicate your feelings, thoughts and concerns to him in e-mails? Why can't you sit him down and have a come to jesus moment in your relationship? Why can you not communicate with him orally and in person without a third party?
This is a serious red flag. You guys aren't even married yet, and you are already in counseling and are not effectively able to communicate face to face.
I was debating this as well.
I was debating this as well. I feel like you're right about not telling her what our plans are. But I do feel he needs to be clear, at least this time, that celebrations and gifts are seperate.
How about?
“BM-- that is your weekend with the children. We do not do favors for one another on our free weekends as you’ve established. You are welcome to do whatever you want for a gift for SD. Anne and I will get her something and will celebrate with her on her birthday.”
I think that's awesome. Just
I think that's awesome. Just be prepared if he falls of the "boundary wagon". It's seems these DH's need to be propped up on the wagon and reminded. At least that's my experience.
Good Job on letting your thoughts be known!
Revised to say: "If you
Revised to say:
"If you wanted that, you should have kept your marriage together. If you wanted to pretend to be one big happy family with her and the kids, you should have stayed single and not expect your significant other to play second fiddle."
they talked about their past
they talked about their past together right in front of you, in YOUR home? oh hell fucking no. SEND IT.
Yup, at the last party. They
Yup, at the last party. They were getting a little comfortable with their joint party scene. I ended up in tears. Total disbelief. It started with her mentioning she saw a Facebook update from an old friend of theirs. No big deal. Next thing you know they are chatting and laughing and retelling some funny story of when they went to go visit the couple. It was awful.
i would have said something
i would have said something snide. i don't think i would have been able to help it. it reminds me of how when i would go with fdh to visit his friends down the road, they would all be laughing at some inside years old joke, talking about people i never met, places i've never been, things that happened before i ever came along. like i really have anything to contribute to a conversation where i am in the dark about wth they are even talking about. fdh accused me multiple times of not liking his friends because i "never say anything". i did come unglued and told him what i just said, what the hell does he expect me to do? laugh at jokes that i don't get? talk about people that i don't know, places i've never been? maybe if they talked about something else for a change, i would say something!
here it is years later, and guess what? i DON'T like that particular friend of his. she's a meddling, gossipy bitch. i did like her bf, but he got sick of her shit and left her ass a while ago! i also remember one night when she was over and they did their yearly reading of the kids letters to santa in the paper. the kids letters were copied exactly, so whatever misspellings they had were in the paper, and some of them were really funny. i picked up a piece of the paper that no one had and fdh ripped it out of my hand, glaring at me. point taken. if i don't take part in their conversations, i'm cold and don't like his friends. if i do attempt to join in, i am let known in no uncertain terms that i am not welcome. i went to bed. he never even noticed. at least not until the next day when i gave him the cold shoulder and he had no idea why. so i had to tell the fucking idiot that i did not appreciate what he did, and that if they want to do that shit alone every year, he can go to her house to do it, because i will not be treated like that in my own home!
of course it's different if it's my friends. he can sit there and pout and sulk and act like a spoiled fucking brat because he doesn't know them, bla bla bla. doesn't even try to get to know them. just acts like a total dick the whole time because he's out of his comfort zone. no one was excluding him. but it's ok for him and his friends to speak another language more or less when i'm around and i'm still an asshole for not having anything to say. he is the king of hypocrites.
sorry. went off on a rant. i'm pissed at him today, so it's not hard for me to lose track of the point and go off about him.
Oh that's awful. I actually
Oh that's awful.
I actually did say something in a very sarcastic tone while washing the dishes like "Well, that was a lovely trip down memory lane, shall we have cake?"
excellent letter. it sounds
excellent letter. it sounds as if you are like me and can only get my point through by e-mailing dh (also relieves enormous amounts of stress). my only suggestion, if your dh is anything like mine, is to shorten it somehow while maintaining all of your points (maybe half the current size?) my dh's attention span isn't this long and i've learned to be as clear, concise and condensed as possible (seems alot of men are like this). i just don't want him to get lossed in your letter and not really hear what you are saying because each of your points are important. bullet points help me alot. good luck! it's so refreshing seeing a woman on this site who is willing to speak up and attempt to get what she needs out of her marriage!
I am trying to cut but it's
I am trying to cut but it's hard. See my note below about losing a couple paragraphs.
What do you guys think about
What do you guys think about leaving out these paragraghs:
"Iwas considering the idea of inviting her, BF and his kids over for dinner and a cake for SD’s birthday. But it’s quite obvious that you two wouldn’t know a boundary if it was marked with yellow warning tape, so I don’t feel comfortable with that at all now. I don’t feel like I need to open myself up for another evening of humiliation, disrespect and pain. Can’t do it. If you won’t look out for me, I will.
Perhaps, one day, when you are able to stand up to her, stop allowing her manipulation and power struggle to interfere in our lives and put our relationship ahead of her, we can discuss trying the whole “joint” event thing again. But for now, she has no place in my home"
He hasn't asked to have her over (but I am sure he's expecting it). Maybe I just ignore that topic now and see if he has the balls later to ask me to invite her over for the party?
I'm leaning towards cutting
I'm leaning towards cutting those two paragraphs totally (may need them later for the next argument) and add language about her not having a place in our home elsewhere like:
We signed a new lease and are moving into a new home in a few short days. I would like to start that new phase of our lives without all of this BM/FDH boundary busting interfering at every step of the way. We need to start a new chapter and your EX wife must be put in her rightful place, which is not in our home, if you want to continue having a serious relationship with me. I am over this crap.
LOL, I'm sorry I don't mean
LOL, I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh but I am reading your letter and I am hearing MY VOICE. This was MY trip down memory lane. Thank the Lord that stage of our marriage is over. DH has FINALLY seen the light and has stopped letting that unruly fucktard run shit in our home. I'd just keep it simple. "You'd better stop letting your EX dictate what happens in our home. She is NOT welcome here and if you don't like it, you can go back & marry her again because I am DONE."
I think its Perfect girl!!!!
I think its Perfect girl!!!! Ive been following your story as it mirrors mine in alot of ways. The only diff is we are a state away (thank God)!!!
I did like the suggestion above to change the wording from living together to in a committed relationship!!! My DH is an ultra defensive person. Ive found emails give me a way to get out what Im truly needing to say without him interrupting me 1/3 of the way thru or worse- when that happens my point im trying to make gets lost in translation. My DH responds to emails much better with alot less heartache!! So I totally understand the email/letter way of handling it sometimes. & for what its worth-- they suggest you go to pre-marital counseling if your about to embark on marriage or whatnot within a blended family- so its not always a bad sign to go before marriage if the issues can be resolved & make your union stronger!!!
I like this letter!!! I say go for it!!!
I don't think he sees it yet.
I don't think he sees it yet. He is CP to two teen boys with a BM who is drunk and absent. So he never goes to her house and she only goes to his when she doesn't have the kids and very occasionally when she does. He has NO idea what he's getting into. Not only does he not see her constant texts and all this other craziness, he doesn't realize how difficult YSD is, how she totally doesn't parent, etc... She's sold herself like MOTY. This will be very interesting when they move in together in a month or so.
I get the e-mail thing also.
I get the e-mail thing also. Doesn't get as heated as a conversation. and this way he can reread it and let it soak in a little. I'm involved in the 'joint' special events also. It has gotten better since the skids are older. But most recently one of the skids was home on spring break and BM wanted us all to do something for Easter. My SO mentioned it to me...I didn't say no, but just gave him the look and he never said anything again. We did something with the girls in the morning and then they went to their mom's in the afternoon. Now, one of the skids is graduating from cosmotology school, and BM wants to have a joint party for family. I would love to have it at our place, make BM feel uncomfortable for a change. My thought, but I will not say anything to SO, is we will all go to graduation, does it really require a party afterward. I was totally left out of the youngest graduation ceremony. they only got so many tickets, my SO was given 1 ticket and BM kept the rest. In the end, they didn't even end up using them all. She kept the ticket that should have been for me to give to her BF's son, and he ended up not going. We did do a joint get together at a restaurant with other relatives who did not attend ceremony. We did QUIT doing the 'joint' birthday stuff. BM cheated on my SO for a number of years before they got divorced, so the breakup was because of her. So I think she has some guilt so likes the 'joint' things.
I revised a little more and
I revised a little more and SENT IT!!! It is out in the universe now.
Thank you all!!
This would've ended in
This would've ended in screaming match if I didn't. And I couldn't wait until next Thursday's counseling appointment as he probably would've already invited BM over to inspect our house or delivered her our moving boxes by then!