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Can we talk about the new Bachelor for a minute?

Anne Boleyn's picture

One of our guilty couple pleasures is watching The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. I had to wait for FDH to get home from his business trip to watch the finale because he wanted to watch it with me.

All I can say about the announcement of Juan Pablo is GAG. This guy is going to be all kinds of crazy Disney Dad who has his daughter EVERY WEEKEND and has outright said he wants a "step mom for his daughter". Not a wife. He wants a step mom for her. He is also best buddies with BM.

FDH was watching me have visible strong emotional reactions to the whole video montage about him. Seriously, whatever poor soul lady ends up with this "sweet single dad...awww" is going to be in for a hell of a ride.


oneoffour's picture

Did anyone ask the girl whether she wanted Daddy to pick out a new mommy for her? Geez!

Shaman29's picture

He's hoping to pluck the heartstrings of some dumb bimbo, thinking he's such a great catch because he's such a GREAT dad.


Anne Boleyn's picture

All these poor young girls who think it's so sweet. No idea whatsoever what is in store.

Starla's picture

I can't believe he actually said that!!! OMG :sick: I would have to change the channel or I would probably be throwing crap at my tv while

Anne Boleyn's picture

Oh believe me, I was quite a sight while watching this intro to him. I was so disgusted that FDH actually asked me if I was going to be able to watch the series when it comes on with him in that role. I told him that like a train wreck, I would have to watch.

Anne Boleyn's picture

Me too

EyesOfaStranger's picture

Oh no way!! I haven't watched the "after the bachelorette" show yet, so i didnt know who the new bachelor was gonna be...but couldn't help myself-- had to look at this blog! Gag me for real!! You're sooo right Anne, the poor girls have noooo idea how "aww.. Sweet" it's is. Yuck. I'm def gonna have to watch thou but I'm really disgusted by it all.
Was hoping it would be Drew :/ such a sweeti.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I was hoping it would be Zach. I loved that guy- so interesting. But nooooo, they had to choose this guy. And now we'll have to watch his daughter interview her potential SMs.

Anne Boleyn's picture

On the brighter side, I am totally going to do a recap after every show from the SM perspective and post it here. We could have SO much fun and so many laughs with this.