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they never change

Annanymous's picture

So DH says how good SD14 has been doing and deserves chance and trust. So she stays night with new friend. Tells us that she is going to bonfire with the girl and her parents...


It was a 17 yr old teen party and she and the friend went with the friend's 17 yr old sister.

Oh and she borrowed clothes from the girl spaghetti string tank top and booty shorts (we don't allow, its winter in TN, and she is large much larger than friend).

We told her we would consider starting to drop her off witb friends at mall again after a year of no stay night or going out without us.

I hope the lying, sneaking, manipulating girl found last night worth it. I have lost all respect or trust.Fer two years of this shit I gave her more and more chances but I'm just done.

I'm not even mad any more. I just know how she is and have to accept she's just a borderline lying manipulating shitty person.

I feed her and that's it. I'm so over her. I don't like her at all. I have to ask like I like her. The therapist is so snowed over!


Onefootout's picture

I wouldn't even feed her. I'd stop that and just cook for myself. I don't cook for SS17, he's on his own or can eat what dad fixes him.

And SS17 isn't nearly as bad as your SD. He lies, but it's more about lying about finishing chores or homework, he's just lazy. He doesn't get into any trouble, he'd actually have to leave the house for that to happen.

And you are right, she will never change. Dad has daddy goggles on. But you don't have to pretend she'll reform herself, when she won't ever. Good for you for writing her off. Be done with her.

Annanymous's picture

Luckily DH isn't blind anymore, but he keeps thinking she's going to be better and is going to change. I get it because that's his baby girl and hell I keep believing in her and trying and trusting but no more. She is who she is.

I make dinner but that's it.

See so long as she is center of attention she is fine but if she isn't then she starts her self pity BS. Tells people, therapist, that I make her feel like an outsider in her own home.

Four years. And this girl cries that I wwon't adopt her!

She is so full of jealousy spite and self pity it's disgusting. But I stay nice. She has made up stuff already and exaggerates what I do or say twisting it enough for other adults to pity her. I.I'm cautious about it as she would make false allegations because she already has before! if she ever makes false allegations against me i will leave or dh send her out. I will not take it.

whatwasithinkin's picture

ill bet that therapist isnt as snowed over as you may think.

when i got daddy in there with me by myself just me, the therapist and daddy with no sd, what was said was astounding.

i have a lying manipulator as well. and that is exactly how I feel. I simply dont care. all i did was feed her when she was here. she wouldnt dare speak to me, nor I to her. I stopped evem acting like I cared. I didnt have any energy left